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3574 fatwas

  • Romantic thoughts about his future wife before sleeping

    Is it alright if an engaged man before sleeping thinks about romance with his future wife (not about sex)?.. More

  • Wants to become a religious scholar

    I am a 16 year old student living in Manchester and have an urge to become an Alimah (religious scholar). I have heard of courses that are held in Nottingham, Bradford and Lancaster. I am wondering if you could please give me information and details about any Alimah courses, because I cannot find any myself. I am very desperate due to the reason that.. More

  • Wasting food

    Is it Haram to waste food, or not to eat all the food on your plate? give me text please... More

  • When lies are permissible

    According to your site we can liefor some necessityor to protect someone. Are the following examples reason for lying? My uncle lied that his son passed in the exam. This is to keep it a secret. My wife's aunt lied that she did not give dowry (money given by bride's parents to the groom) to the groom of her daughter. Here both uncle and aunt.. More

  • Problems with alcoholic Christian father

    My question concerns my alcoholic father. He's Christian. I know parents should be treated well in all matters except if it goes against Islam. He's often drunk and unbearable. He swears, talks bad, mistreats my mother (but is not violent). I have their only grandchild and I don't like him being near my drunk father. I live with my husband elsewhere.. More

  • Being praised for being a shy person

    I am a shy person, and whenever I go to mosque the teacher is always making an example of me to the other students by praising me because I keep to myself and am always reading the Quran. But this is mainly because I am a shy person. Am I a hypocrite? What does Islam say about shyness?.. More

  • Praying for a Christian to come to Islam

    Can I pray for my Christian friend that Allah should have Mercy on him and should show him the righteous path of Islam?.. More

  • Wants Dua for curing eczema (skin rash)

    I live in Tallahassee, FL USA. I have a daughter who is 18 years old and she has eczema (a bad skin condition). We are ‎under doctor's care but medicine is not working and she not doing well. Is there a Dua ‎for removing skin rashes? I can read English and recite Qur'an in Arabic but can't speak ‎the Arabic language. I need something with.. More

  • Husband is lax in practice of Islam

    I married an American 11 years ago. When I met him I wasn't wearing hijab. Five years ago I started to practice and my husband since then ignores me in public. He would just take the children out and he used to pray from time to time and in juma but not any more.My question is it ok to stay with such a man like this? I don't want to upset my parents.. More

  • Avoiding hesitations

    What to do in order to avoid hesitations in my duties? My problem is that everything I begin, I can not end it because of hesitations. .. More

  • Leaving country without paying debts

    I have the debt on me in UK around £12000 and unable to pay it what should I do? I am very afraid of Azab Al Akhirah Please. Help me .. More

  • Celebrating a conditional vow

    First of all I would like to say that may Allah reward all of you for maintaining this site. I am sure that there are numerous other people, like me, who benefit from this site. I come from a culture that is full of innovations and I mostly confront my elders in the best manner to address things that are not approved in Shariah. This evening my.. More

  • How one can get more blessings

    How can I get more blessings from Allah to make sure I am on the right path? .. More

  • Men who do housework

    Are men allowed to do housework if there is a necessity like cooking, washing, babysitting, etc? There are some men who think that this is the work of women and they make fun of those men who do it. They think men who do housework are not masculine and have the qualities of women. What does Islam say about this? Did our beloved Prophet Muhammad.. More

  • Wife claims abuse and gossip from her husband

    I lived with my husband for 4 years, and I worked all that time. He never paid me any thing. I worked hard and all the time. When he divorced me I took my money that I calculated for the 4 years of work. He spread gossip about me claiming that I stole from him and even said that to his family. He told them that I was abused by some men. It is very.. More