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3574 fatwas

  • Among scantily clad female students in USA

    My question is in regards to Fatwa: 87190 in whichyou stated that it is a sin to look at a ‎non-Halal woman. I am a revert to Islam, Al-‎Hamdu Lillah,and attend high school in the United States, where, unfortunately thereare very few dress codes. Most of the female ‎students dress in a very scandalous manner. I do my best to lower.. More

  • Has strong desire to see Prophet in dream

    Being a Muslim, like other Muslims, I have very strong desire to see Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). Is it possible for me to do so, if yes, is there any specific "Wazeefa" would be helpful in order to achieve this goal... More

  • Sleeping without wearing clothes

    Is it permissible for an unmarried woman to sleep in her bed without any clothes? Is there any Hadith which restricts this? Can a husband and wife sleep together without clothes?.. More

  • Zikr in the state of impurity

    While in the state of "Janabah" (being Junbi) can we do the "Zikr", i.e. Tasbeehat? That is in our daily routine before going to bed. Remember it includes "Ayat-ul-kursi”, "Surah al-Falaq", Surah An-Nas" and also last two Ayahs of "Surah al-Baqarah". Please do reply... More

  • Warning parents against evil deeds

    We are 4 brothers and one sister. My parents are old and except for my one younger brother all my brothers and me are outside the country. My mother never tells my eldest brother to take care of them. She always my that brother who lives near them for not taking good care of them which I feel is not fair because eldest brother always shouts.. More

  • Fulfillig vows

    I am sorry for bothering you again and again, but I’ve no choice other than to ask you ‎for query and help as I’ve heard that one should ask those persons whom he deems fit and ‎his heart feels contentment. Question: 1. Can one eat the portion of meat other sacrificed ‎animal if he has made vow (Nadhr). Al-Hamdu Lillah, I give whatever.. More

  • Particular Du’a for matrimony

    Is there any particular Du’a for matrimony for ones daughters or sisters? I mean to say any Du’a after Fard prayers so that the girl gets married soon... More

  • Avoiding use of the Internet for Haram purposes

    Iwant your advice.I oftenuse the Internetto visityour website and other Islamic websites as I have a usefor them.But on rare occasions Iopen dirty websites, then afterI the Internet cafeI regretthatI opened such websites. So I want your advice so thatI can avoid such things.I havebecome afraid to go to the Internet cafe to avoidopening those.. More

  • Uncovering a Muslimah

    I hope you can be in great help to me. I had committed a mistake by getting caught up in the lie of a man that said he like me, I was sure that he did but it was all a lie. After I realized that what I was doing the wrong thing and I asked Allah to forgive me, but while this was happening, I told a girl that I thought was my friend about the kiss... More

  • Joining in prayers on television

    If we say, "Ameen"during the live prayers on television, like live telecast of Arafat prayer, we will be included in the groups saying "Ameen" on Arafat?.. More

  • Backbiting and slander

    How do you deal with evil people who want to defame your name and position in society by slandering and backbiting you? What is the best way to ensure that truth will prevail over their falsehood? I'd really appreciate your comments and advice... More

  • Du'a that makes a person love you

    What’s the Du’a that makes a person loves you?.. More

  • His boss mocks Muslims and Islam

    In my country after the September 11th incident my boss, a non-Muslim, always asks about our pure religion and disgraces it. He likes to askwhy are Muslims terrorists, fanatics and extremists. Due to this whenever I go for my daily prayers Ido not ask his permission, but Ifulfill my duties,and do not neglect my job. Am I doing what is correct?.. More

  • Books of knowledge about Islam

    Please name some of the best books of Tafseer, Seerah of Prophet, history of previous Prophets, companions and early scholars of Islam... More

  • Do not blame your parents

    I want to ask about few of my psychological problems which are disturbing me a lot. I hope your answers and guidance in the light of Islam will put my mind at ease, lift my depression and put my mind in order. 1) I feel very angry and frustrated towards my parents especially towards my father, the way they brought me up, the atmosphere in the home,.. More