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3574 fatwas

  • Wants to disobey strict husband

    Is it ok to disobey my husband because he is too strict? For example, Ican't go out;he wants me to have a Mahram whenever I go out. If he is unhappy with me he says 'no' to any thingI want. Again, is it ok to disobey him and do whatI want?I wanted a legal mediator (Hakam), but herefused... More

  • Feeling despondent about poor family relations, etc.

    I feel I do not want to live anymore because my brothers and relatives are looking down on me for something I did not do.My friend usedme to cheat them ofalarge sum of their money. He also cheated me. I am patient andpray a lot. Whyare humans so cruel nowadays, doingso manysinful things?.. More

  • Problem with sleeping if stressed or worried

    I have a problem with sleeping, especially if I am stressed or worried about something. Can you give me a Du'a which I can read before I go to bed? .. More

  • Begging in Islam

    I would like to know if begging is Haram in Islam. .. More

  • Revealing a secret to her mother after instructions not to

    Can I reveal a secret to my mom when I've been informed not to tell anyone? I have heard people saying that Allah Said in the Qur'an, "Verily Allah does not like the corrupters." So can I reveal this secret? What is the ruling in Islam?.. More

  • Gaining benefits by deceptive

    I live and work in UK. In order to get extra welfare benefits to help pay my rent and local council taxes (on top of national taxes) I am showing less income (earnings). By doing so I get extra money which helps pay various bills and I save some as well. Is this permissible? Is this income Haram? Is the whole amount of benefit I get Haram or.. More

  • Stopped seeing her sister who is living with a non-Muslim man

    I’m a Muslim woman. My sister told me that the man she wants to marry had become Muslim when he met her. Now they’re living together and I discovered that he's not Muslim. I decided to not see her again because she's not Muslim any more. Did I do right or wrong?.. More

  • Du'a for finding a culprit

    Is there any specified supplication for finding a culprit for who committed a crime? Can you tell me the interpretation of the following two dreams? 1)I saw a man falling into ice but there is no effect of falling in him. 2)I saw that I am holding a small baby and suddenly he turned into a big man. These are the reactions of Istikharah.. More

  • Wants to sell property but mother objects

    I am a mother of four living in US. We have a big apartment in our homeland. But when we shifted to US (almost 5 years ago) my mother in-law shifted to our apartment there. She has her three-storied house which she has kept locked. My married sisters in-law and brothers in-law also stay in my apartment with my mother in-law. They too have.. More

  • Studying in Tarim, Yemen

    Here in Sweden we have many young students who have already gone, and others planning to go, to study in a specific traditional Islamic school inTarim, Yemen. What advice can you give us about this school? .. More

  • Responding to a drunken person in the streets

    How would you respond to a drunk non-Muslim person when he is insulting (i.e. usually in the streets)?.. More

  • Despairing of problems caused by his mother

    My mother has caused terrible problems in my personal life: she abuses my wife, her parents, my son, me, my father (who always supports my wife). He has even deserted her because he likes me and my wife. She just wants to finish off my wife and my son.Worse is that she is now joined by my sister in this matter andI am leftas theonly support.. More

  • Proper use of company-issued items

    We work for a companythat provides toiletries like soaps, towels, etc. ontheir remote site away from main cities. These items are provided for personal use and issued to individualswithout any accounting. Canan individual take the items like soaps and towels whichhe doesnot useduring his stay at the work site to his home? Similarly, weare given.. More

  • Committed Zina and wants to repent

    I am an unmarried, 18 year-old female Muslim. I have committed the sinful act of having sex before marriage. Now I realize my mistake and I deeply regret what I have done and with all my heart repent. I am confused as to what to think? I seek Allah's Forgiveness, but I don't know not what to do? Kindly guide me... More

  • Wife Committed Adultery

    I made a mistake and cheated my husband, I slept with other man what can I do? .. More