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3578 fatwas

  • Live with your wives honourably

    My problem is that my husband treats me very badly in front of everyone, even beats me up. He scolds my three daughters and says bad words to us. He brings his friends to our house all the time and they stay at our house not only for days but also even for 2 years. And it is my responsibility to cook for them and take care of them. He does not earn.. More

  • Du'a or vow

    What is the correct way for making Du'a? Can we make Du'a in this way "Ya Allah" if I get this matter done, fulfilled I will donate a certain amount to charity or "Ya Allah" give me this and that only asking from Allah? Please help me as I am very confused... More

  • Fulfill your vows

    If a Muslim makes a vow to do a good action if something happens and doesn't make what he has vowed when this thing happens, will Allah punish him by putting a permanent Nifaq in his heart? Why Allah has punished the Munafiqoon by this punishment [9:77]?.. More

  • Betrayal is against Islamic values

    I buy food for many companies and I take a special price after I make an invoice with another price, what about this money is it Halal or Haram? .. More

  • Virtues of Invoking Blessing upon the Prophet

    What are the virtues of saying the Salat upon Prophet Mohammed, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, and methods? .. More

  • Screen Yourself with the Screen of Allah, Repent and Avoid Sin

    I am a Muslim aged 24 and would like to ask due to insufficient knowledge that I have. If unmarried Muslim man commits illegal sexual intercourse with unmarried Muslim girl and Allah conceals for them what they did. Then is it a must that these two people go to the mosque and get 100 slashes in order to repent or they can repent in their hearts by themselves?.. More

  • Looking at Bride and Groom in their Bedroom

    In our country, people when celebrating weddings, they do some special customs. I want to ask about a special custom. In the wedding night, after the groom enters with his bride alone in their room, somebody expect them to have a look to the under clothing of the bride in order to be sure that the bride is all right. If the groom refuses that, they.. More

  • Obey your mother within the limits of Shariah

    Dutifulness to parents: I am a reverted Muslimah. I have both parents alive. My mother is a trader and I feel she wants me to take up her job totally. But my problem is I am very weak because of a chronic disease which both of my parents do not know about and so I find her trade to be a very hard work for me. Aside of that her trade does not allow me.. More

  • Do not hate all men for the mistake of one man

    I am a Muslim sister. My question is: my ex-husband really mentally abused me. I know its not good to hate all men for it but I cant help it. I need help. Is there anything from the Qur'an that I can say to get rid of this hate?.. More

  • How to avoid anger

    I am a person who gets angry quickly, and I cannot control myself when I argue with anyone, even my parents. Please tell me of ways and means of avoiding getting angry quickly. .. More

  • Breaking relations because of debt

    I m a Muslim student in USA I don t have any family but one cousin. He is married to an American. My problem is that my cousin is a big spender and does not know how to manage money. Every time he gets stuck in financial problem he comes to me and I help him, he hardly ever pays me back even though he promises every time, his father usually pays me.. More

  • Sister is difficult to get along with

    I belong to a Muslim family, Al Hamdulillah. We are 3 sisters and 1 brother. My eldest sister got married and she got divorced within that year. Since 3 years after that she is living with us. My 2nd elder sister and I face a lot of stress due to her. Before marriage she used to get jealous of us both it was minor, but after divorce, her condition.. More

  • Wants to marry over parent's objection

    I am a Muslim living in Germany as a student. For about 1.5 years since I arrived in Germany I have relation with a non-Muslim girl but who has understanding for my religion. I know that my religion allows me to marry but right now I’m really concerned about my parents who I’m sure will not accept it if I marry her. I’m trying to tell.. More

  • Earning wealth in Islam

    What is the position of Islam about concerning the earning of wealth? In the society where we live everybody is after money. We cannot totally ignore the importance of money in our lives. .. More

  • Sincere Repentance Is One Solution

    It is true that I am very despaired for the sins that I have committed. Sorry, maybe I do not explain my problem very well because I do not know English language very well. Now, I want to save myself from sins, may Allah help me, Inshaa’ Allah. I know I have made a big mistake, but I do not ask that I slept with a man because I do not sleep with men,.. More