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3574 fatwas

  • Taqwa (Piety)

    What is Taqwa (piety)?.. More

  • Do not return to him unless he gives up this devious sect

    My husband is a follower of the Brawelvi sect, he also follows the Naqshbandi Sufi group and I myself follow the Salafi Da'wah, because of our differences we have argued a lot and finally we ended up separating. We have four children who at the moment live with me and see their father on a regular basis. He however does not want to divorce and now says.. More

  • Lower your gaze before it is too late

    A married man justifies seeing naked women and porno clips on TV channels, prior intercourse with his wife, with the justification that it makes him do a better intercourse with his wife. Is this Haram or Halal?.. More

  • Stopped being normal because of depression

    What is the provision in Islam regarding a person who has stopped offering Salat in the mosque and individually. Is not interested in Islam. Some times that person considers converting to some other religion, but not Islam. But he doesn't say anything against Islam. Otherwise he is normal. We as doctor know that blasphemous thoughts do occur in case.. More

  • Visit Your Mother and Respect Your Wife's Rights

    After Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) is it my parents who command the greatest respect or my wife now that I am married. If I visit my parents alone can I take my child for visiting without my wife's permission or does she have the right to stop me. Do I have the right to leave my wife if she abuses my parents verbally.. More

  • Their Deeds Are Accepted Provided They Have the Right Intention

    If a Muslim male does not have beard. Are his good deeds such as Salat, Zakah, Hajj and others accepted by Almighty Allah? Because in my country most of the employers are obliged by their employers to be well shaved. .. More

  • Obey Your Father If The Knowledge Is Not Compulsory

    I want to ask you that my father does not permit me to go to Madinah for study. He says I should become something else, other than a scholar to live a good life. I agree with his opinion but I love very much to study with the great Ulamah of Madinah. Can I go to Madinah without the permission of my father? .. More

  • Making fun of people

    Some time we are making jokes on some one and laughing on him without knowing what will be effect of our jokes on his heart. While that joke does not belong to him only for laughing we are doing this bad thing. So if any Hadith is available which is not supporting this type of thing. Please tell me maximum Hadith about this problem... More

  • Dealing with Disbelieving Adulteress Mother

    My child and I as well were Christians; at that time my wife committed adultery. Now my child and myself became Muslim Al-Hamdu Li Allah. Now my child do no want to have any good relations with his mother assuming that if Islamic law had been carried out she would be killed. What is the ruling of Shariah in this concern? .. More

  • Masturbation for more satisfaction is forbidden

    Would Allah forgive a woman that has intercourse with her husband but wasn't satisfied so she did masturbation while showering?.. More

  • Mother and Wife Do Not Get Well With Each Other

    How to discriminate between your wife and your mother: if your mother wants you to leave your wife what do you do? .. More

  • The Prophet's laughter was mere smiling

    Is this a Saheeh Hadith, it doesn't sound so. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) never laughed only smiled, and suckling an adult person also sounds strange. Saheeh Muslim Book 008, Number 3424: Ayisha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Sahla Bint Suhail came to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) and said: Messenger of Allah, I see.. More

  • Befriend only righteous people

    In holidays I often stay a long time out of the house. For example: with friends in a casino, club, is that a sin?.. More

  • Looking at the picture of something that is Haram

    I just want to know if looking to females' feet photos or in reality is Haram in our best religion Islam... More

  • The house is your husband's not yours

    I'm not sure if I was good to my dad. He came to us to work and he stayed with us, my husband didn't welcome his stay in our house. Obeying my husband and asked dad to leave the house, he left angrily. One year later he passed away, I think he was mad a t me, and I didn't have a chance to ask him for forgiveness. What should I do now? Is there any thing.. More