Assalamu Alaikoum, Dear Sir/Madam, I am InshaAllah getting married soon and i am looking for someone who can clarify on a matter. Actually i wish to know if it is a Sunnat of the Prophete (SAW) for the bridegroom and bride to share something sweet (e.g a date) after the Nikah ceremony or is this just a custom which has been followed from ancient time... More
Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh what is best for me to do job or to get knowledge of islam? bcoz my family is forcing me to do job & i want to get knowledge of islam without any disturb & we dont have any financial problem Alhumdulillah & if i go against my family in this matter, Is i m a sinner or i m correct? Please advice.. More
asalamu 3alaikum,i need alot of help.i am getting mentally sick of all that is going on and i feel like i cant handle it anymore.i am 19 yrs old, ever since i was a little girl my parents have isolated me from everyone and everything.and now that im all grown up and should be independent in some things;i am isolating myself from all that is around.. More
Salaam. In the Quran 3:159 “…then when you have taken a decision, tawakkal (put your trust )in Allah. Syed Qutb , says that the Rasul s.a.w. quotes this verse when the sahabah went to see him and ask whether he would want to reconsider the decision to protect Medina at Uhud . The lesson to be drawn is that once a decision has been taken, one should.. More
How would you describe the architecture of a Muslim family's house - I mean, should there be a separate living room for males and females, especially when in-laws come to visit, should there be a prayer room for the ladies etc. .. More
One of the important teachings of Islam is to be truthful. It is no doubt relevant when dealing with people/society. However does it apply equally in the realm of our psychology & subsconscious mind? In Psychology,it is a well known fact that one can change oneself thru positive self-affirmation & visualisation .It is believed that the self-affirmatio.. More
Me and my husband, we living at my husbands mothers house with her. Every woman like her husband to make his own decesions as an independant man for his family (Wife and children). But in my case my husband only does everything what his mother says anything more than that with using his own sense, even sometimes when she's wrong, he still listens to.. More
Assalaamu Alaykum. Dear Shaikh,I used to go to pray in a small mosque where i live, the problem is that people who pray there have no respect whatsoever towards you. If they don't know you you say Assalaamu Alaykum,they turn their face to the other side, but if they know you they smile at you, talk to you, greet you and as soon as we finish the.. More
What is the ruling on supplicating Allaah to have mercy on non-Muslim children who have died before reaching puberty?.. More
Am I sinful for practising outdoor Da‘wah activities without my father's permission?.. More
My 67-year-old father suffered from a blood clot. When he becomes nervous, he does not care about anyone’s feelings. He can distinguish between things, speak normally and pray, but whenever I forbid an evil at home and engage in a heated discussion with him, he blasphemes Islam. When he is nervous, he does not know anyone. However, when he calms.. More
If a person repents for not enjoining good and forbidding evil, will it be accepted? The person is determined to enjoin good and forbid evil in the future. He also intends to tell those who sinned that he was mistaken for not forbidding them from doing evil in the past. .. More
Is it permissible to take a loan from a church?.. More
How can we help members of Islamic movements to get rid of pride and arrogance? .. More
A-SALAMUALAIKUM I reverted to Islam for about 7 years ago, 6 years ago my parents separated and my mum moved in with her new partner(not married,not Muslims). I have a very good relation with them and they often come and visit me and my family. They respect my new lifestyle as a muslim, even though I wear full Muslim dresscode +cover my face. My question.. More
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