As Salam u Alaykum, I often get sudden backflashes and remember sins of the past.It is very painful and I hate the memory and then myself.I ask Allah to make me forget.The acts were 10 years ago and I repent everyday.I paid Kafara. What else can I do? How will I know Allah forgave me? How can I regain my self esteem again when I am always burdened with.. More
Salam Alaykom. I have a long story to tell so please, jazak'allah khair, for reading and responding, and may Allah reward you. A while back, me and my sister, who is not really practicing being a muslim {not wearing hijab, not praying}, got into a big argument on the phone. She wanted to come to my house to take a couple of pictures and at that time,.. More
Is muslim, who has been raised by a stepmother (his mother died shortly after divorce of his parents, when he was 4 years old), and who shows her respect as for his biological mother, not thinking about his late biological mother - commiting sin? The stepmother is loving him as her own child, but there is no blood ties between them. .. More
Salam O Alaikum Dear Brother i like to thanks and appreciate urs efforts for guiding muslims and showing them the rite path of islam.... i have two questions one is it permissionalbe for muslim country to built a church as there was not church before? second my brother took all properties charges after my father death and not agree to devide according.. More
Salam Alaykom. What is the ruling regarding doing the dishes while the water is running?; ie. when applying soap and the water is on even though the water running can be turned off. I find it too much of a hassel to keep on turning the water on/off. If one should not use too much water, does this apply when washing dishes and the like? Please shed more.. More
Salam Aleikum, Should we strive for happiness in this life or simply live it? Is it wrong to think about yourself and should we only think about others while ignoring our own wishes and feelings? .. More
assalamoalailkum, respected teacher,i m in a gr8 trouble in my opinion,my age is 23 and i have desire to marry as soon as possible.i like my cousin who is hafiza and she is a 1yr elder than me....allhamdulilah i belong to a good family who pray 5 times aday... i requested my parent that i need to marry her as i like her,so that i can be well treated.. More
I sit with my grandmother so she will not be lonely. However, she always gossips and backbites. Sometimes she asks me to play some songs for her. What should I do?.. More
first of all i will like to apologize becuz my q will b very lenghty..but i hope u will give me time. Q: my father is not a god fearing man and keeps bluffing fake talks of crime and moral conducts which his children ( i and my brother) have never done. this results in bad impression of us over the society. it did not affected my brother much, but i,.. More
If my father asks me to come with him at the time of Jummah khotba, when the imam starts talking, shall I listen to my father and not be signed by the angels for having attended the jumah but then reach at the last minutes of duaa and pray the 2 rakaat, or shall I disagree with my father and go to the prayer at the time slightly before the khotba so.. More
Salam Alaykom My husband's sister moved to live with us, temporarily until she finishes her school she helps me with kids and the household work,the problem is that I don't treat her the way I should. At the beginning we were like friends then 2 months later things started to change. I don't feel that we have anything in common or that I can get along.. More
Dear Mufti Saab Mufti Saab i have a problem, Alhumdulliah i have been practicing for over 6 years, i have tried my utmost best to follow the quran & Sunnah to the best of ability, my brothers do not practice but my parents are practicing but very attached to our indo-pak culture. My sister on the other hand is not practicing does not wear the hijab,.. More
Asalaamu Alaykum, I have a question. My family is having a lot of problems right now. There are some people who are very jealous, who are trying to break my family apart and cause a lot of fights. They already managed to make a lot off people hate each other within the family. I'm really scared that this will end up in something really bad. Is there.. More
Selam aleykum, I have a big problem with myself, please help me. 4 years ago I had a boyfriend, he was not a Muslim. I am a Muslim. We were in love. I left my family (they did not agree with relation) and we lived together. I got pregnant. After 100 days (3,5 months) I did abortion, because I was afraid of the reaction of my family. He was very sad... More
salaam aleykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, i am a woman living alone now(divorced), my parents prefent me to marry.i have had bad relationship with parents sinds i was a teenager. i have been on my own sinds i was 19.The reason i left my parents was after i saw ones that my FATHER had EYES on me.(you know what i mean)after i while ALLAH swt has.. More
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