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3581 fatwas

  • Responding to negative comments

    If someone reacts to you in a negative way how do you react back? Like I am feeling pressure at school, and they make rumors about me, how am I to react back?.. More

  • Lying to get a more suitable flat in London

    I am a married woman 25 years-old and a mother of 11 month old baby girl and pregnant now. We live in London in a very small flat (studio) we can get a bigger one from the council and pay only very small rent but only if we deny having this flat and some other facts with the truth that my husband kept paying the tax for 6 years (quarter of his.. More

  • Signs of righteousness

    What are the apparent signs of righteousness signs that can be witnessed by a believer also within himself? .. More

  • Her husband changed his mind after giving his word

    My sister and her husband made an agreement that she can travel on her own from England to our country because he can't go with her. She just wants to see my brothers and sisters who she didn't see for 11 years and go to my mother's tomb as she wasn't there when she died. At the beginning he gave her permission to go and even has booked a.. More

  • Du'aa for reducing extreme rainfall

    I just wanted to know the Du'aa when there is extreme rain which may cause flood. .. More

  • Wants to become a scholar but has doubts

    My first question is: I am someone who likes to become a scholar that gives lectures, Friday sermons, lead the prayer and give lessons on Islam. I want to become scholars like Al-Bukhaari, Ahmed Ibn Hanbal, Ibn Taymiyyah, etc. These were scholars that feared Allaah. But I afraid that my desire of becoming a scholar would mix up with show-off,.. More

  • Parent demanding more money than he can afford

    For the past 11 years I have been sending my family money, and I have never complaint but recently I have not been lucky enough to earn a lot of money, I mean the money I am earning is just about enough to cover my cost of living, but at the same time my parent are pressurizing me into sending them an incredible amount of money and buy them.. More

  • Putting the feet or turning the back towards the Qiblah

    I would like to ask whether there is any sound Hadeeth which says that while sleeping one should not put his feet in the direction of Makkah. Many people say that while doing some work also we should not turn our back toward the Ka'bah. But I see many Imaams after praying place their backs to the Ka'bah while making Du'aa. And I have also.. More

  • Loyalty of the Muslim husband

    Whose preference is first practicing wife or non-practicing sister? Should a husband love his wife more or his sister who shows no respect to his wife?.. More

  • She thinks her husband died as a martyr and she wants to be with him

    My fiancée and my husband has died as a martyr on 14 Feb. 2005, almost from 3 months and my heart is really aching me for loosing him. I would like to know if we will be gathered again at heaven as a wife and husband, it is what I'm asking God for. Will I meet him and marry him again at heaven? Is he able to hear me when I talk with him?.. More

  • Family dispute over a relative's marriage

    My family name are going through a really a bad phase and a hard trial. My brother stays in Puna for his studies with my aunt, my aunts niece who is 21 year old is not of a good character stays in the same colony of my aunt so my aunt sometimes meets her. One day we came to know from my aunt that my brother is seeing this girl so my mother confronted.. More

  • Spending on extravagant brother

    I have a brother and he is getting married now and we are all helping him because all his money that he took from my parents after their death he spent it all. The problem is that he is showy and always wants expensive things he is also not thankful he takes everything as if it is a must to help him. He is now finishing his apartment and he got.. More

  • Wants to relate to her mother who never cared for her

    When I was two years old, my father died. Thereafter, my mother got married to my stepfather and left me with my grandmother and aunt. She refused to look after me. Since then, I was raised and looked after by my grandmother and aunt. And I look up to them as my parents, and I love them very much. Throughout the years, my mother never showed.. More

  • Resents her elderly grandfather's marriage

    I'm very frustrated with the recent news that my elderly grandfather, who is in his late seventies, remarried for the 5th time (this time to a very young girl who is not much older than I am). All his previous marriages ended in divorce and death. He didn't inform any family members of this marriage and had a secret Nikaah with few witnesses... More

  • His young daughter has nightly bad dreams despite all preventive efforts

    My 11-year old child has been having bad dreams for the past 6 months nearly every night, the situation is becoming worrying. She reads her 3 Surah and Ayat Al-Kursiy every night before sleeping. Even sometimes we play Quran but she says she still has them. Is there anymore we can do and what do you advise Inshaa' Allaah... More