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3581 fatwas

  • Swore to a lie to make peace

    I had committed adultery with another woman and my wife came to know about this. After that she started fighting with me demanding for divorce. Then our family members met and then everything was settled after some days she started the same topic again and again she used to fight with me. I did not tell her the truth because I knew she would.. More

  • Using fake id to steal banks' money

    Thanks for answering my previous question: 146775, although I didn't mean to ask about the act of taking loans and Ribaa per say, but I learned from your reply which was very useful. To be precise, I will reframe my question: Some Muslims open accounts in European banks with fake names with the intention of stealing that banks money claiming.. More

  • Etiquette of sleeping

    Some people say that keeping hand on the forehead while sleeping is Haraam. Is it true? What does the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam,say? Then how to sleep? Is it Haraam to sleep straight without bending sideways?.. More

  • Permissible sayings

    Is it permissible to recite the "Du'a Kanjul Arsh"? (La ilah illa Allaahu subhana malikul quddoos) etc. This is very common in India and Pakistan. .. More

  • Wants to forget his wife's past but cannot

    I've married a woman who converted to Islam when we first met. But she had boyfriends in the past and a daughter. Now I get these feelings that I don't have respect for her and its ruining my life. Knowing she is a good person, obedient very respectful, and really a good wife. I know Allaah would forgive any person no matter what he did in the past.. More

  • Making false claims to get immigration papers

    I want to inquire that if a person 'A' for the purpose of immigration to Canada show false documents that he 'A' in now converted from Muslim to Christian. So please tell me what does Sharee'ah say in this regard either this person 'A' remain Muslim or not as 'A' is saying that from heart he is Muslim but he is only showing false document.. More

  • Meeting regularly as a group to recite Du'aa, Quranic verses, etc.

    Many of our female family members, including my sisters, cousins and others meet on every Monday evening and together we recite Du'a, Surah Ya-Sin, etc. as well prayers for the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam. Our main aim is to remember God by reciting Du'a, etc. but at the same time it also helps by bringing most of our family.. More

  • She and her father are not speaking

    My father and I are not speaking because my husband does not get along with him would I be punished. .. More

  • Unsealing the heart sealed by Allaah

    Will Allaah remove the seal if he has sealed any Muslims heart for any reason? Will Allaah accept a person's Du'aa even though the heart has been sealed? Will Allaah forgive his/her sins by making sincere Du'aa whose heart has been sealed and wants to sincerely become a true Muslim? Please reply soon... More

  • Title used to address someone

    In our home (country) the word 'Sayyiduna' for the clerk (Shaykh or Aalim) is common for calling them either they are present or absent. It seems to me as they are considering them as the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, and his companions, may Allaah be pleased with them. What can you advise or inform me? .. More

  • Parents make a request when the prayer is called

    Please what should one do at the time when the Iqaamah for Salaat is being said and one's parent who is also Muslim asks one to do something for him or her? .. More

  • Sayings when people sneeze

    Please I heard that we should say 'Yahdikum Allaahu wa Yuslih Baalakum' for whoever sneezes among the people of the book, I also learnt that the person who sneezes says this same Du'aa for the one who says 'Yarhamuka Allaahu' to him, please which is more correct or are both valid? .. More

  • Striving hard, but committed a great sin

    I am 26-years old female (working). I am very hardworking and very concern of my work. But since few days whenever I pray or read Quran I feel uneasiness in my heart (God forgive me), I try not to comment any sins or be on straight path but after being regularly offering prayers and performing all duties at certain time I deviate from right path.. More

  • Her husband's brother is causing major marital problems

    My husband's brother came to the USA in 2002 to go to school. He lives with us where we provide all things for him. Car, car insurance, cell phone, food, home, clothing, pay his tuition for school, a computer, etc. When he first came he was well mannered but he recently started dating a Christian Lebanese girl. Since then he has been bringing.. More

  • Heard rumors about his arranged marriage

    I am Muslim Indian person working in Qatar since 4 year. My question is: I gone to 2 years before vacation my country, there is my parents arranged one marriage my uncle's daughter she is also good, before do not interest me this marriage but my father and mother is this marriage very, very interest after I am like her, and I told them I am ready.. More