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3578 fatwas

  • Repented But Lacks Fear and Regret At The Same Time

    Assalamalkan. I have done many sins and I have lost happiness. I walk around everyday thinking Allah the Almighty hates me. I know at heart he likely doesn't because he is the most merciful and I am a believer and I do my prayers and my fasts. Still everytime I sin I do not know how to do repentence well. I know that you must admit your sin and gige.. More

  • How To Achieve Sincere Repentance

    Assalamalakan, Dear repeceted scholars, I have done some sins and I jave read about how tawba is the best thing and there are things in tawba such as admitting the sin, regretting it, asking for forgiveness, and stopping it but how do I be sincere in my tawba and do it the best that I can? Remind me of the importance of fearing Allh the Almighty. I.. More

  • Ex-Husband Accuses Her and Her New Husband of Adultery

    When I found myself in difficulty only some week after khula (with no help and no money), I reached out to a brother, to ask for help to find a job. My ex-husband read those messages and accused me of adultery. With my ex threatening this brother of death without any proof and destroying his reputation, I decided to warn this person, a couple of months.. More

  • Refused Gifts From His Mother In-Law

    Assalam alaikum. May Allah reward you. I am afraid i have transgressed towards my mother. She is not muslim. She did not want to visit me or her grandchildren for many years because of me wearing hijab. We used to speak on the phone and she used to send the children gifts on christmas, birthdays etc, by post. She lives near to us. Recently my husband.. More

  • Downloading And Using Pirated Materials

    He used to download and use pirated things. Some of them were halal (e.g. Microsoft office, photoshop etc.) and some were haram(e.g. movies .. More

  • Enjoy Acts of Worship

    Are we actually meant to enjoy our acts of worship? This is a foreign concept to me. How is one meant to enjoy prayer, and wudu? .. More

  • Consensual Zina Is Not Like Rape

    Assalamu Aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu. There is a fatwa saying that you have to restore people's right when it comes to the act of Zina ( ). Is that true? Because some people she has asked say that she does not have to apologize except in case of rape. She's unmarried. Is there anyone she has to apologize.. More

  • Lying Amongst Spouses to Foster Love

    Assalam aleykom, regarding the allowed form of lying to ones spouse. Does it include saying kind words to ones wife like calling her "my heart, my princess, my soul" etc. - Are words like these allowed and come under the ruling of allowed lying if ones says them inteding to achieve a happy home/relationship with ones spouse? Since they obviously are.. More

  • Has Dirsturbing Dreams And Thinks It Is Jinn Possession

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, When I go to bed and close my eyes sometimes I get images eventhough I am awake. Also I get dreams as if in real life typically as sleeping. For example in my dream I see the things from where I am sleeping, initially when it first happened I was just kid and thought that it wasn't a dream because when you.. More

  • Repentance Does Not Require an Expiation

    AsSalam-O-Alaikum! QUESTION: How much kaffara should be paid if someone knowingly and willingly looked at someones private parts whether live, in photos, TV, or internet? At I read that, "it is forbidden to look to the private parts of any other person except.. More

  • Repented From Homosexual Inclinations But Looks at Women

    Asalam alykum. I used to have issues with my sexuality which led me to repent and to start going down the right path. However to become attracted to women again I feel like I need to condition my body too, not just my mind. Is it okay if I look at nude women in hopes of becoming with the fitrah again? Thank you. .. More

  • Consulting Husband Is Not Inferiority or Dependence

    Salam alaikoum My question is related to if a wife depends on her husband a lot for things is that a bad thing? I realized and other people have noticed that my life is almost always me doing things based on what his opinions are. Even when I want to go back to study after years of giving up my husband supports me but advised me to do as many online.. More

  • Evil Inner Thoughts of Others Isn't Backbiting

    Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah Is there any scholar that allowed backbiting inside heart (the backbiting here is based with data and facts, not only baseless bad thought). I am someone who studied social science professionally, and of course we need to examine why people are like this and that. Of course we thought a lot about their bads, not for entertainme.. More

  • Definition of Muraaqabah and Prescribed Remembrance of Allah

    Asslamualykum Sheikh,I hope you are fine,I need guidance regarding the concept of Muraqba in Islam.Is is right to sit in solitude and repeat the name of Allah ?.Is it true that Imam ibn qayyim (r) and Imam Ibn Tayimiyyah (r) use to do muraqaba .Is this word mention in quran ,hadith or use by Shaba.If no is there any word which is proven in quran and.. More

  • Shaking Hands, Hugging and Kissing Sister Without Lust

    aoa, can an adult brother shake hand, hug or kiss her adult sister in a good faith. thanks .. More