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3578 fatwas

  • Voluntary Fasting against The Will of Parents

    As-salaamu alaykum. I fast every other day alhamdulillah. But my parents don't like it. I'm very thin but i don't think that fasting is the only reason. I've digestive and other physical and mental problems. Am i sinning by fasting against the will of my parents? .. More

  • Saw A Dream after Someone Expressed Interest To Marry Her

    Assalamulaikum, Hope you're doing well. Basically, there is someone from my family who is interested to marry me, he has even spoken to his parents but his parents do not agree due to false rumors about me. i performed an istekhara, i get a dream at night where there is a white cloth and its floating in the air and there are 2 more people in the room,.. More

  • Reluctant in Accepting Daughter’s Marriage

    Assalam o alaikum i am 26 years old and a man of age 38 wants to marry me as the man said if i will not marry him he will do sin . i told to my mom and father father not answered but mother said he live far away from us what i do . he is muslim and offers prayer . what to do. .. More

  • Fears His Repentance Is Not Valid

    Sheikh I repent from sins but I struggle to feel regret but I know what I have done is sinful and am not proud of it but I struggle to feel emotion and I worry my repentance to be invalid pliz kindly clarify .. More

  • Persisting on Minor Sins Makes Them Major

    Assalamualikum, According to fatwa no 116246 there is a difference of opinion on whether a minor sin becomes a major or minor sin when done persistently. If a person does wudhu(abulution) would this minor sin which he does persistently be forgiven. Also will the fasting on the day of Arafah lead to forgivness from Allah(swt) of such minor sins which.. More

  • Ruling on Greeting by Gesture

    I heard someone on a video say that Ibn al Qayyim said that greeting with gestures is forbidden because this is imitating the disbelievers. 1.) Is this true? 2.) if yes, then is it forbidden to greet with gestures such as hand waves and head nods? .. More

  • Raising the Hands When Supplicating

    Assalamu Alaikkum My friend says when we make Dua’a we should raise the hands and keep both hands together. Other wise it is not good. Also we should not keep both hands down keeping right hand over left hand. Is he right? .. More

  • Throwing Tiny Objects In The Street

    Is there any harm in throwing(trashing) small objects on the ground? I mean like tissue a size of a coin, or some dirt, or other things which seems to not cause harm if trashed improperly .. More

  • Depressed, Losing Faith and Tried To Suicide

    It may be better if this isn't posted publicly. I am 30 and have always loved Islam and enjoyed Da'wah work. Around 10 months ago some doubts creeped in (too complicated to explain) plus a fear of responsibility and the future; now I feel I have totally lost my faith and my humanity. Because these doubts creeped in when I was listening to Islamic material,.. More

  • Performing an Act of Worship Regularly without Evidence

    assalamu alaikum.dear sheikh, I read that is impermissible to specify a zikr for people to repeat for a specific number of times and in specific place and time without explicit text from the sunnah.2. it's impermissible to depend on tajriba or experiences of the pious on recommending certain prayers which they found useful or beneficialbut this.. More

  • Doctor Perfect in his Job But Had Cheated In Exams

    Assalamualaikum,I m Indian,as cheating is much common here in exams,I have cheated in my 10th,and alittle in 10 2exams,then was entrance exam in which I m not sure I cheated,on basis of this exam marks,I got admission in BAMS degree(bachelor of Ayurveda medicine and surgery)then in all first to final years,I have cheated very much in theory exams,in.. More

  • Having an Opinion Opposite of One's Parents

    Is it totally prohibited to answer parent's opinion?, I mean example is like my parent said about something "bla, bla, bla". and then i answered it with the opposite of my parent's opinion, like "but i think..bla, bla, bla, and so on... .. More

  • Learning Worldly Sciences Without a Teacher

    In learning the deen, it is essential to have a teacher. but how about wordly knowledge?, Is it wrong to rely on autodidact when studying wordly knowledge? .. More

  • Saying He is Gandoo Does Not Invalidate Marriage

    Asalamualaykum If one jokes with his wife that he is a gandoo ( gay in Urdu) does it affect the validity marriage. Please can you reply as soon as possible as I am worried. Jazak Allah khairan .. More

  • Husband Overburdens Her and Does Not Help Her at Home

    Assalam alaikum. May Allah have mercy upon you, and reward you for the help this site is providing. Im feeling like im losing myself because of housework and the expectations of my husband and myself that I can not manage to live up to. I live with my husband and four children, I just gave birth a month ago so i have a small baby. My husband works 3.. More