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3581 fatwas

  • Questionable religious practices

    I heard that if during forty days I perform some special ibaa'dah continuously (for example saying tasbih "subhanallah va bihamdih" one hundred times every morning and evening), it becomes wajib for me, and that I can't quit it after forty days. Is that true?.. More

  • Wants to help brother find livelihood

    I am very concerned about my brother who is upset because he has not been able to find work since 1997. He has tried looking in many cities away from his home without success. Has some one cursed him or put magic on him? Is this condition from Allah? What Du'a can I say or verses I can recite to help him?.. More

  • Aging Parents Being Difficult with Son

    A good son spent his life making his parents happy. Now they are hard on him for the smallest reason, and are becoming oppressive, even when he is right. Do they have the right to be angry with him? They will not listen to his explanations. They are getting old and misjudge things. He is innocent of what they accuse him. Help him to do what is right... More

  • Personal use of government resources

    When we work in a government offices, we sometimes use some papers,copier and printer for private things not related to the work, but we give charity to Red Crescent or others for using papers, etc. in office. Is it Lawful and permissible? What is the solution?.. More

  • Misses Husband and Masturbates

    My husband is in Europe for his job. I always miss my husband and often masturbate. I am a god-fearing lady, but get carried away in feelings ,sometimes and masturbate. I feel I do no evil and am loyal to my husband. Instead of doing any Haraam act I cool my arousing mood by masturbation. Am I doing wrong? Please help me. .. More

  • Making additional supplications to Allah

    We used Supplications in the morning and evening based on hadith. Can we add some other Du'a in the morning and evening like Du'a Qunut or Du'a which taught by Rasulullah PBUH to Abu Bakr Ashidiq ( Allahuma inni dholamtu nafsi dholman kathiroon ....that is said on the prayer and other Du'a?.. More

  • Stole two pennies

    I have seen on pakistani television one scholar who said if we steal two pennies and if we died we will have to lose 700 prayers. Is it correct sir? In Oman a scholar said: there is no connection between prayers and stealing.Can we recite the Qur'an and Tasbeeh such as 'Lahi lah illalah subhan Allah Allah akbar' without Wudu?Is watching TV lawful?.. More

  • A dream that came true

    Two years ago, my dad's friend came to America and stayed with us for a week. A month after he left, I saw him in my dream. I had two dreams about him. First dream, I saw him in the hospital, passed away. Second dream, a few weeks later, I saw him dead in his bedroom, on his bed with a gun next to him. About a month later, we heard from family in Pakistan.. More

  • Obedience of Allah and His Prophet

    1. What is the definition of obedience and obedience of Allah & Prophits?2. What the meanings of sincerity in belief? .. More

  • Best university for study of Da'wah

    What is the Best Islamic University to Study in Da'wah in all the World. because I'm interested learning the Da'wah and Will Give Da'wah in the Future?.. More

  • Had a wet dream about 2 men having sex

    I had a wet dream recently.The strange thing about it is I was not in the dream and the characters were two men having sex.I was like somebody watching the scene and I ejaculated.Why is this?I don't want to be a homosexual.Please help me and give me some good advice... More

  • Family Problems with Mother

    I belong to a Muslim family where Islam is taken for granted because of their being born Muslims. My problem is my mother is wrong many times in dealing with us, with relatives, or with anyone. When anyone in the family including my father tries to tell her she is wrong she never accepts it. she starts shouting that we always blame her, etc. We always.. More

  • Hadith about eating alone

    I understand that Rasulullah (SAW) always had company to enjoy his food or meal while Nabi Ibrahim (SA) would not eat until he found company to eat together with him. What is the ruling if one has no choice but to eat or breakfast in the house without any company. What does the Hadith say about this situation where a person is living alone in the house?.. More

  • Family tries to convince father to abandon Shirk

    My Father is from the innovators while my brother, mother, sister and I am from Sunna. He doesn't believe in going to the mosques and praying behind the Imam and not even praying el Jumua, but we do. He seeks help from other than Allah and who he thinks are (awleyaa ALLAH) but we believe that only ALLAH can help us in anything and we shouldn't ask anyone.. More

  • Married and Wants to Be Stoned for Homosexual Acts

    I'm a Muslim living in Ireland, married to an Irish woman, one day under alcohol I had sex with an Irish boy twice within about 40 days. Now I'm regret and am ashamed of myself and I don't know what to do. I feel so humiliated and don't pray to Allah with these sins even I'm repenting now. I still feel Allah will not forgive me, I shoud be stoned for.. More