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3581 fatwas

  • Which Scholars to Consult to Resolve Issues

    Some people when they face a problem related to knowledge of the Islam they contact to the Islamic scholars in the Muslim world, but we live in another place like North America so the situation here is totally different from the Muslim world. So when we need to resolve some issue related about training in the place we live, shall we contact our scholars.. More

  • Islamic universities in KSA

    Which one do you think is better for Islamic/Hadith studies, Islamic University Madinah or Imam University Riyadh? I heard Riyadh is better for studies in the sense that there are more scholars there. I would appreciate your opinion in this regard. Plus I plan to go to Saudi this summer; can you go and apply there any time of the year?.. More

  • Husband objects to her reading Sahih Bukhari and Muslim

    I would like to read the books written by Bukhari and Muslim. However my husband says in order to fully appreciate them one must have a deeper understanding of Islam. I don't know how I'm supposed to reach this deeper understanding. I pray and recite the Qur'an often. But I wish to read these text to increase my knowledge, however so far I have been.. More

  • Prayers on the Prophet

    I cannot understand why it is said in a particular Hadeeth that all prayers of Muslims are reported to the Prophet. He does not feed us, he does not give life or death; he is not responsible for our behaviours; he is only a Messenger of Allah. Why should he be loaded with such responsibilities of checking out for each Muslim who has sent a prayer in.. More

  • Supporting His Father Who Is Deceiving Him

    I have been living over seas from 7 years. I'm the only person in my family who earns and supports his parents, one married brother with two sons. They do not have any other source of income. Since I started earning send as much money as my father asked me to send whether I was jobless or didn't have enough money and had to borrow money from somebody,.. More

  • Sincerity and its benefits

    What is sincerity, and what are the benefits of sincerity? .. More

  • Fear of weather

    I am afraid of weather, especially wind and rain. What can I do? I say all Du'a, but I am still afraid... More

  • How to Gain Knowledge of Islam

    I am a young brother living in Australia. Unfortunately, we do not have enough scholars or learned people here. I am very eager to study Shariah. I am in the process of applying to the Islamic University of Medinah. At the moment I am also studying under the guidance of a local Sheikh who has qualified from the Islamic University of Medinah. I am reading.. More

  • How to Act with a Bad-Tempered Friend

    How should I act with a friend who gets angry with me for little things? Answer with Qur'an and Sunnah and make it easy for a fourth grade, 10 year-old. .. More

  • Problems with Relatives

    (1) How should we deal with relatives who are Muslims in name only don't follow Islam principles, don't pray, fast, etc. (2) I have problem with some of my relatives? When I was small I noticed jealousy and hatred in their hearts for us. As I grew up, my heart has filled with complete hatred for them. I am in such a stage that I don't even want to.. More

  • Reciting Darood 1000 times daily

    I read that if you recite Darood 1,000 times daily, you won't die without getting the glad news of Paradise. I have also seen Dhikr, for example, which says "praise be to Allah as many times as the number of His creations." Would it be correct, if someone wanted to send much Darood, to say "O Allah please send your prayers and blessings on Prophet.. More

  • Friend cheated family

    I had some money problems with my family members. The family problems occurred because of my friend who cheated all of us by saying investment. My two brothers blamed me for their lost of money. I did explained to them honestly but they are not interested in it at all. My mother was very depressed because we, the three sons, were like enemies. I am.. More

  • Difficulties with New Muslim Husband

    My husband is a new Muslim, about five years now; I'm trying hard to teach him more about the Islam. But he still has his ways as a Jahil, for ex: if I said to him I'm going to my uncle's house Saturday, he will reply to do what you want you don't need to tell me where you going, and I don't need to tell you where I'm going. Even something I will say.. More

  • Reciting the Quran or Obeying the Mother

    I want to ask a question. Is what I do good? I pray, and read Qur'an after Maghrib everyday, and try not to do anything that is not good. But my mom always yells allot because we don't wash the dishes fast and we tell her that we want to rest a little. Then she gets mad and swears at us. .. More

  • Conferring Blessings upon Things/Beings We See

    How should we bless when we see a thing, or some beautiful person or women (Muslim or non-Muslim)? .. More