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3581 fatwas

  • Answering the Phone with "Salaam" in a Non-Muslim Country

    I live in a non-Islamic country (England). Every time I answer the phone I always say "Salaam". However, I was told recently that it is not permissible for me to do so, since many of the people phoning are English. Many ignore the saying and carry on as per usual; however, some do know how to reply and do so. Should I continue to say "Salaam" or not?.. More

  • Forgiveness for Committing Adultery

    If someone has been unfaithful to her husband and she commits adultery, and finally asks for repentance from Allah, that she will never repeat again will she be forgiven, or not. .. More

  • A teenager resisting bad thoughts

    I am 13 years old I keep thinking of bad things, like girls, I try to fight it but I can't. Please tell me a solution for this... More

  • Illness and dreams

    I want to get a Fatwa and some advice, I will tell you my situation.My sister has stomach cancer and she is hoping that she will be healed from her sickness. Since she had the illness she dreamed of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) three times. In the first dream Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) was showing her the sky,.. More

  • Saying Allah will never forgive one

    I want to know how Islam deals with masturbation. I have a friend that sometimes cannot stand it and she starts masturbating and when I am angry with her, she asked is it better to have sex with man and make Zina? What do you think about that? I need an answer because these days she looks so depressed because I told her, you will never be forgiven and.. More

  • What to say before and after a good gathering

    Kindly clarify the following:-What to say according to Sunnah before and after good gathering? Please give evidence... More

  • Raising hands while Du'a is made on TV

    Can I raise my hand to Allah while someone is saying a Du'a on the TV?.. More

  • Broken promise to Allah

    I have made a promise to Allah but now I feel that I cannot fulfill my promise or commitment. Is there a penance for this situation?.. More

  • Deleting nude photos on Internet

    I was working on the Internet yesterday and suddenly a very ugly picture appeared of a naked woman I was shocked. How can this happen?I deleted it but without results; it formed an icon. I spent all last night in erasing that ugly picture. I was wondering about my brothers who work on the Net; how can I protect them from these pictures sent by unknownPersons.. More

  • Expressing gratitude to Allah

    When a family was traveling in the night they met with an accident and with the grace of Almighty Allah escaped without hurt Al-Hamdu Lillah. Also, they give Zakah and Sadaqa. In order to thank Allah (SWT) can we give Sadaqa or sacrifice an animal? Kindly advise what we can do according to Qur'an or Ahadith (Please give reference)... More

  • Lied on CV

    I am working in a very reputable company and by the grace of Allah, I am very good at my job. But for getting this job, I lied a little in my CV which was not even necessary. Is my earnings Haram? If so, will my prayers, fasting and other Ibada be rejected?.. More

  • Broken promise to Allah

    I have made a promise to Allah if something happens in my life. But now I feel I can not fulfill my promise to Allah. Is there a penance for this?.. More

  • Teenager struggling to be better Muslimah

    I am a Muslimah in my middle teens. I am trying to be a good Muslimah, but I don't really know what to do. I memorize Qur'an, pray for a long time and don't listen to music. Yet I am still a bad person; my mind thinks too much about Haram things, even in prayer. I always dismiss them but they come back quickly into my mind. I have weak faith and I pray.. More

  • Muslimah "hanging out" with teen companions in USA

    I am a 15-year-old Arab Muslimah living in America. I would like to ask you some questions.First, I hang out with my Muslim friends (who are all girls) but they are not the best Muslims. From them I have learned to talk about others and swear too much. They are good girls, all around my age, but are obsessed with music and guys. I want to tell them.. More

  • Shaking hands with husband's father

    Can a female shake hands with her father in-law (her husband's father) when she greets him?.. More