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3581 fatwas

  • Rituals of purification and Du'a

    1) What are the proper ablution rituals to perform after a man or woman has sex and after a woman stops menstruating? Also, are there certain Dua' that one should recite in these circumstances?2) I've heard of many stories (possible Ahadith?) saying that if you say a certain Dua' or Surah a certain number of times then you will be rewarded in a certain.. More

  • Marrying without informing one's parents

    A while ago I have been engaged to a Muslimah with my parents consent. It is time now that the girl and I feel we should get married, as I am able to do so. However, my parents are not allowing me to get married to this girl yet, as they want me to wait for a while longer until I finish my studies. I feel that I cannot wait any longer since I would.. More

  • Told Friend to See If Her Husband's Job Is Lawful

    I told my friend that she should check to see if her husband's job is Halal or not and that caused problems between them. Did I do something Haram by saying that to her? .. More

  • Kissing Hands Of Family Members on ‘Eed

    On Eid days, we youngsters visit our parents, uncles, and aunts to show our respect and affection. We kiss the back of their palm (hand). Is it permissible? Our intention is purely to show our respect. Is this allowed in Sharia? .. More

  • Living in Non-Muslim Parents' Home Paid For Through A Mortgage

    I live with my parents in their house. My parents are not Muslims and they purchased their house through a mortgage. My father told me that if I get married, my wife and I can live in the basement of this house for free. I thought this was a great offer because my salary is not enough to pay for my own apartment. So, can I get married and live in the.. More

  • Breaking one's oath not to do something Halal

    When I am angry, if I swore not to do something that is halal, is it haram to do it after this oath? .. More

  • Telling Bad Dreams

    Is it true that we are not suppose to tell anyone about a bad dream that we have because it might happen for real? .. More

  • Dua' for desired husband

    I want some supplication for getting the person I want as my husband... More

  • Surrounded by girls in high school

    I am a student in a High School, and everywhere I look I see girls around me. As I learned when I was young that we are not supposed to look at girls, but in a situation like this, I am forced to glance them. Is this forbiden or not and please if there is any additional information about this send me ... More

  • Protecting One's Own Self from Envy

    What actions can I take to protect myself from envy? Which Surahs or verses can I read to protect myself from envy? .. More

  • Fulfilling a vow

    When my brother was ill, I prayed for his recovery and "promised" to fast two months if he did so. After two months he did. However, I am a diabetic with a heart problem and I receive insulin twice a day. So I have not fasted since his recovery. What can I do?.. More

  • Seeks forgiveness for masturbation

    I'm 24 and unmarried, I masturbated for over 14 years. I recently learned the harms and that it's a very big sin. I stopped and I have been praying Allah to help me keep away from such actions, but will I ever be forgiven? I also fear what will happen after marriage. Will I be normal? I intend to get closer to Allah and, al-Hamdulillah, I am doing good.. More

  • Unconscious oath

    What is the required recompense for a Muslim when he violates (the type of swearing is when one swears by Allah about something has full awareness that what he is swearing by is true. What is the required recompense for a Muslim who violates this type of oath?.. More

  • Making Du'a in English

    Our Imam makes supplications in both Arabic and English even though he knows Arabic. Is it accepted for the Imam to make Du'a in English? Also, what about a non-Arabic speaker, is it acceptable to make the Du'a in English at all times? .. More

  • Becomes Angry with His Brother and Pressures Him

    I always get angry with my brother and put pressure on him. I would like you to tell me if that is forbidden or not and thank you very much for your help. .. More