Assalaamu alaikum. When a person memorizes Quran with a teacher, and the teacher tells the student to memorize and recite a certain portion of the Quran by a specific time, what should be the student's intention when learning the assigned lesson? Yes, the student is memorizing Quran for the sake of Allah. At the same time, they work hard to have it.. More
Assalaamu alaikum. A person previously supplicated to be able to make Hijrah (emigrate to a Muslim land). There is an opportunity to marry abroad, Allaah willing. There are marriage prospects available in her country, but she does not always feel positive after praying Istikhaarah (guidance-seeking prayer). However, her parents are old, and this may.. More
From what I understand from a verse in the Quran [in Surah Al-Baqarah] is that if we fear Allaah, he will teach us. Does that cover all types of knowledge? For example, if I am about to customize a product, and I learn new things gradually that amaze me, things which I find myself surprised to learn, can I say that this is what happens when we fear.. More
According to Islamic theology, will Allaah answer my prayers even if I sin consciously; disbelieve in heaven and hell, the Prophethood of Muhammad, the divinity of the Quran, and a host of other Islamic things; and do not pray the Islamic way? .. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I am a Muslim who was born in England and lives in England with Pakistani parents. My family, including my parents, commit Bid‘ah (religious innovations), such as celebrating the birthday of the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,etc. I tried to tell them that it is Bid‘ah, but they angrily denied it and said that that is.. More
Assalaamu alaykum Scholars. I have a question which has been bothering me recently. I am currently seeking knowledge, or this is what I intend to do, and I have a doubt regarding the manners of the students of knowledge regarding eating. After reading and listening to biographies of great scholars of the past, I came to know that they would hardly eat.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have a simple question. A person whom I know prays to Allaah for wealth, power, and wisdom so that he can help his Ummah (Islamic community) (besides praying for it). However, he does not know how he would help and is neither rich nor intelligent. Is this type of praying good, or is he merely burdening himself? .. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu Shaykh. What is the intention that one should have in their heart when one wants to offer the prayer of the one in distress? And is it only for distress, or also if one needs something? I heard that it is Sunnah to pray when one is in distress or is afflicted or if one anticipates an evil coming their.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. What is the authentic hadith for Musaafahah(shaking the hand) with one hand? There are so many interpretations given by people in our region (South India). If the solid Nass (text) is not found, then following the Urf (local custom),Musaafahah with both hands, is better in my view. May Allaah reward you. .. More
Assalaamu alaykum and may Allaah reward you. I want to know the condition of this man in the sight of Allaah, The Exalted, based on the text. He used to believe in Christian/Islamic concepts, then he was a Shia, then he finally became a Sunni. He was living like a sinful disbeliever most his life; when he turned 19 years old, he got arrested for talking.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have recieved some benefits (income) from the goverment due to a couple of illnesses: not being able to go out alone; anxiety; and being excessive in ablution, purity, and prayer. I have also received these benefits for finacial help with my needs as I am 16 and am not physically and mentally able to work at the moment. The thing.. More
Is it permissible to wear pants and jeans at home? My father does not allow it, while I want to wear them. .. More
Ka’b ibn Ujrah narrated that the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,said, “There are Mu‘aqqibaat, the one who says them shall not be miserable. Glorify Allaah at the end of every prayer thirty-three times, and praise him thirty-three times, and extol His greatness thirty-four times.” If I do not say this after the prayer but say it at other.. More
Assalaamu alaykoum wa rahmatullaah. My question is as follows: is it possible to momentarilyinterrupt the recitation of the Athkaar (pl. of Thikr [expressions of remembrance of Allaah]) recited after the five compulsory prayers and resume them later on? May Allaah reward you. .. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah. I have several questions to ask, Allaah willing. What is consideredthe heart in Islam? Do we have knowledge about our hearts? Is it the thoughts that come in one's head, or is it something that is unseen except by Allaah? For instance, if I willingly think 'I love Allaah and His messenger', sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam,.. More
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