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3578 fatwas

  • How to treat evil relatives

    My mum, my siblings, and I are living in poverty because my father never gave us any money; he used to give all his money to his adult, married siblings and parents and has given all his lands and property to them, leaving us with nothing. His siblings brainwashed him into giving everything to them for 20 years and turned him against my mother, and.. More

  • How to return greeting with sore throat

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. Is replying to the Salaam greeting by typing on a device, writing on a paper, or simply moving one's lips sufficient if one fears that a throat problem may become worse by speaking? I speak about emergency cases only, as I am having a sore throat and difficulty speaking these days, and it worsens.. More

  • Not initiating Salaam does not amount to abandoning fellow Muslim

    I have a question about the following hadith: “The Muslim is not allowed to abandon a Muslim brother for more than three days. If three days pass and he meets him, he should greet him. If he (the other believer) returns his greeting, then they share the reward, but if he does not return it, he (alone) will incur the sin.” My question is, when.. More

  • Lashing out at difficult old mother

    Assalaamu alaykom. My mother lives with me as I am an only child. She suffers from alzheimer and OCD and has mobility and continence issues. I am the breadwinner of the home and my work is exhausting. I have no problems being the primary caregiver at all, but she makes me very, very angry many days as she is a control freak and is very stubborn. She.. More

  • Repenting from act of disbelief

    Assalaamu alaykum. How can anyone repent from an act of disbelief? Does he need to repeat his testimony of faith believing that he has disbelieved and accept Islam anew? And what if someone leaves the act believing that the act was an act of disbelief or sin and he does not repeat the testimony of faith and only repents and does not repeat that act?.. More

  • Permissible supplication - Impermissible supplication

    Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to know about the supplications mentioned below whether reciting them is allowed or not in the light of the Quran and Sunnah: 1. Allahumma ya wadudu azal arshil majidi ya mubdiu ya mueedu ya fa alunllimayuridu azal izzatillati laturamu walmukil llazi la yuzamu yaman ala nurihi arkana arshihi ya mughisu aghisni ya mughisu.. More

  • Children memorizing supplications by collective recitation

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahamtullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Every morning, during the first period at school, a boy recites Quran and then says, "Bismillaahillazi la yadurru ma' Ismihi shay..." till the end of the supplication, three times, and the rest of the class repeats after him. Then he says, "A'udzu bikalimaatillaahittaammah...' till the end of the supplication.. More

  • Money taken unjustly may be returned to owner indirectly

    Assalaamu alaykum. I happened to arrange some money for some emergency form the organization where I was working way back in 1997, without their knowledge, with the right intention of putting back the money. Unfortunately, I could not put the money back, and I soon had to leave the job. The management did not know about it and I still have a good relationship.. More

  • Giving false opinion is lying

    Thank you very much for all your previos answers. I have a new question. Is presenting an undefined fact considered a lie? For example, someone asks we what I prefer, and then I answer him that I prefer A when I actually prefer B, but I do not dislike option A. This is not an exact fact; rather, it is like an opinion, which can change. Is that a lie?.. More

  • Calling non-Muslim 'brother'

    Can a Muslim say 'brother' to a Christian or a Jew? Is it permissible according to Islam to consider them brothers? .. More

  • Lying to receive internet connection at reduced cost

    Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. I have a question to ask. I recently took got a broadband internet connection. I asked my senior brother in college to talk with his internet service provider (suppose A) to give me the connection so that the monthly cost can be reduced. So he talked with his internet service provider (A), but internet service provider (A).. More

  • Posting one's Quran recitation on instagram

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question that has been bothering me for a while now. My name is Yassin, and I recite Quran on video and then upload it on social media. I have been doing this for nearly two years now. I have a Following of 62 thousand people on Instagram, where people watch me recite the Quran to the best of my ability. I keep convincing.. More

  • No harm in describing commodities as 'flawless'

    Is it permissible to order clothing from an online shop that describes the clothes as 'flawless', meaning that the stitching, the material, or the design and so on is 'flawless,in order to get it delivered to my house? .. More

  • Children sleeping in same bed with parents

    Assalaamu alaykum, Mufti Saheb. I understand that children should have their own beds to sleep in. But if there is any reason, like a lack of space, can a child (boy or girl) of just over the age of 10 and below 11 sleep with the parents in their bed? What if this happens? Is there be any problem; does this affect the parents' marriage? .. More

  • Seeing Hoor in dream

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is it possible to see Hoor in a dream? .. More