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1452 fatwas

  • A question regarding the purity of clothes

    Aslaamu alaikum. My question is regarding the purity of clothes from the liquid feces( diarrhoea) . I was ill and suffering from fever and had diarrhoea.its winter here so as such I was wearing three lowers. I felt some liquid feces drop came out of my body so as such I went to washroom after few minutes to check it. I found a drop of it on the first.. More

  • Keeping a bearded dragon as pet

    Assalamu alaikum,I saw your fatwa about keeping lizards and you said that "the known lizard, which resembles the varan in its shape but is of smaller size, like a gecko, and it has a smooth skin and a swift movement, then keeping this kind of animal is permissible" but I was wondering about the bearded dragon lizard specifically, is that halal to keep?Thank.. More

  • Does watching indecent images break ablution?

    Does seeing pornographic content itself break wudu?Just seeing pornographic content, not masturbating to it or anything. .. More

  • She is confused about purity following menses

    When I’m on my menses I see my purity towards the seventh day I know this by seeing no coloured discharges when at the beginning of on prayer for example asr I see no coloured discharges then an hour goes by and I see coloured discharges (I see red discharge or blood in my discharge or brown) and then it stops and then it starts at one point. around.. More

  • How to make up for missed fasts and prayers due to menstruation

    A 12 year old girl that has had her period for a few months, and the first ramadan on her period. At the beginning of ramadan she has her period and after it peforms ghusl, then notices more and peforms ghusl again. She fasts and notices more in the toilet, but forgets about it and fasts and prays. She only remembers it 2 weeks later and peforms ghusl.. More

  • Discharges that break Prayer and ablution

    Assalamu Alaikum. my question is about vaginal discharge, recently i read on here about what ‘wadi’ looks like. so i was praying fajr prayer and i felt something come out and then after praying i checked and saw what i would like to think of as ‘wadi’ because it was thin and yellowish, do i have to repeat my salah knowing that ‘wadi’ nullifies.. More

  • Going for Umrah and Fears for Her Irregular Discharges

    I have read all your fatwa regarding regular vaginal discharges of women..I.was satisfied ..but now iam going to umrah and it has made me worried case is that the discharge is more during the ovulation period of my cycle and after that it is less but it lasts all day long in such a case that I cannot say when it actually stops so I fear delaying.. More

  • Extent of Wiping Over the Hands in Tayammum

    What is the meaning of hand in Tayammum? Is it only the BACKART of the hand from wrist to the last point of fingers or the WHOLE HAND from wrist to the last point of fingers? If it only means backpart of hand in this case is it needed to wipe space between the fingers? I asked this question before but the answer was not relevent to my question. Plz,.. More

  • She Used to Pray Without Wudu

    As salam alaykum, sometime I used to pray without wudu .does this act takes me out of Islam ? I never had intention to mock islam and it's ruling .what should I do now ? .. More

  • Removing impurity on glossy surfaces

    Shaykh, my question is how should I clean my glasses, which are very thin, from an impurity? Should I keep them under water or just wipe them off with a damp cloth? .. More

  • Fails to Wash His Fingertips in Ablution

    I usually wash my hands to the elbows when rubbing my arms in Wudu however I sometimes miss out the finger tips is my wudu valid .. More

  • Rulings related to incontinence and Prayer

    If incontinent person prays (while being incontinent), then sometime after prayer, incontinence stops, if there is still time for current prayer, does he have to do it again? .. More

  • Using used water for wiping the head in ablution

    Assalaamu 'Alaykum. Fatwa 177311 is about using new water for wiping the head in wudhu. I don't use new water and just use the leftover water from washing my arms. Is the position regarding the permissibility of not using new water strong enough, or should i make up past prayers? If I don't use new water, can i wipe the ears without new water or would.. More

  • A person is not required to pronounce the Testimony of Faith when taking Ghusl

    Do we have to Tashahhud (we say I bear witness that there is no God except Allah, and that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger) after the ritual ablution or any other ablution? Is Ghusl valid without saying the tashahhud?May Allah reward you. .. More

  • Ruling on Washing the Hands After Eating

    If after performing wudhu one has to eat should he wash his hands again or not .. More