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1452 fatwas

  • Frequent wet dreams

    I have frequent nightfalls due to whichI am unable to perform my fajr prayer during winters because I catch cold very easily and after the nightfallI am very tired. It is no problem during summer as taking bath is no problem at that time. So is there any wayI can perform my fajr prayer without going through these difficulties. Ihave 13 to 14 times per.. More

  • Performing Ablution with a Burned Arm

    I burned my whole arm. How should I wash it for the prayer since water is not good for burn? .. More

  • Using Golden and Gold-Plated Items

    What is the opinion on using gold plates and spoons, etc, including gold plated things? .. More

  • Was Hurt In His Wrist and Performed Tayammum Instead of Ablution

    My situation: I hurt my wrist and was at the hospital all night and I missed Isha -1 (prayer) When I got home, I was in so much pain and made tayammum (dry ablution once then I prayed Isha and Fajr. I later realised that I was able to make Wudu as normal (with water) but did not realise that at the time. And I only made dry ablution once for two obligatory.. More

  • Female Circumcision

    Some scholars say that female circumcision is Waajib, some say it is "likable". Are there also any who consider it as Haram? Others say that only some types are allowed. Please give me a detailed answer about the following types of circumcision whether it is Haram, Halal, Waajib, preferred or others: 1. Infibulation (cutting of the clitoris and all.. More

  • Bleeding after Abortion and Prayer

    My wife had an abortion when she was 2 months pregnant because of an accident. She had a cleaning operation for her uterus (Rehimm) but blood still comes out from time to time. Can she pray (Salah) as usual or should she stop until she sees no blood? Thank you .. More

  • Circumcision for a new Muslim

    Is it necessary for a new Muslim to get circumcised? It is an expensive procedure in my country, and one man I know was seriously injured when he got "the chop"... More

  • She is breastfeeding and she asks about washing her hair after seeing blood (not menses)

    I am breast feeding and I have seen blood but it was not period . Do I have to wash my hair? .. More

  • Purifying a knife from pork by fire

    I require your assistance for quoting any reference from Quran, Hadith, Fiqah and Fatwa about sterilizing and ”Pak” a metallic piece by heating which was used for cutting pork meat (declared haram in Islam). Kindly provide fatwa in light of Quran, Hadith and Fiqh, irrespective of any school of thought... More

  • Removing impurities from utensils

    If a non-Muslim utilizes a Muslim's metallic utensil, such as a knife and a pan to cut and cook pork meat, then what methods should he use to "Pak" his metallic knife and pan? 1. Water, 2. Sand, 3. Heating metallic utensil in boiling water, 4. Heating metallic utensil, such as a knife or pan in an oven? For the four options stated above, please provide.. More

  • Shaving the beard for job interview

    Soon I'll go for a job interview. Here in Australia employers prefer interviewees to be clean shaven, ie., well presented. Beards have a negative impact as apparent by statistics shown here. I have a beard. Is it possible for me to shave it off for the interview then grow it back again?.. More

  • Her menses started while in the Mosque

    While i was in Makkah my period occurred while in the mosque and we were really far from the hotel so i was determined to pray all the prayers with my parents in the mosque for i couldn't go back or stay alone knowing that i am a 17 yrs old girl. The question is, what i have done is counted as a sin or as a neglect of my religion? .. More

  • Teaching newly converted husband how to perform Ghusl

    I am happily married to a Finnish man who embraced Islam. Upon conversion, he was given some books on how to pray and some recitations. As a married couple, we do get intimate. For myself, I know that after every intimacy I have to do the Ghusul of Janabha. But how should I tell my husband the recitations and interpret it in English to him. Please help! .. More

  • Purity of women

    I want to know everything concerning PURITY, [TAHARAT],specially about women in all cases. .. More

  • Fear of more urine coming before wudu

    When I go to the bathroom, I usually wait at least an hour before making "Wudu", fearing some urine would come out. Even if I waited 3 hours, I would feel something coming out. I don't know if this was "waswasah" or for real. I tried checking my underwear and my "penis-sorry for the language-" but I never found anything. Of course, I had to make "Wudu".. More