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1452 fatwas

  • Nullifiers of Ablution and Performing Prayer Before Its Time

    Does lifting the pant upto the thighs knowingly will break my waju? Shall we start our namaz half an hour before the aazaan also? .. More

  • Suffers from Social Anxiety Disorder and Wants to Keep a Dog

    Hello Islamweb I do have a question. I'm suffering from social anxiety. So I'm having a hard time being around people. But it's easier for me to be around people when I'm with someone that I know. But a hard time when I go by myself to buy groceries etc. And I know people that's suffering the same as me have a dog that have helped them a lot from there.. More

  • Issues of Ablution and Ghusl When One Has an Adhesive Tape on His Body

    I have diabetes and I wear insulin pump, (which is a machine that is connected to the body via a pipe much like an IV, and it automatically delivers insulin to the body all day long and keeps the blood sugar stable) and a continuous glucose monitor, (which is a small sensor also connected to the body which continuously monitors the blood sugar levels)... More

  • His Wife Masturbated Him: Ghusl Is Not Obligatory on Her

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatahu!! If ones wife masturbates her husband and he ejaculates Ghusl is wajib for Husband, in same way is it also wajib for Wife since she only used her hand and no part of her body came in contact with the semem might be little drop touched her hand.jQuery1110006176373524541856_1582782122927 And secondly is it.. More

  • Had Intercourse and Took a Shower without Intending Ghusl

    Do you have to do gusul after you have had intercouse with your husband 2 days ago. In those two days you have showered normally. Do you still have to do gusul or is wuhdu just enough? .. More

  • Suffers from Wind Incontinence

    Asalamo aleikoum wa rahmatulahi. Very often I suffer from gases that make me make take the rule that says to make wudhu after every adhan and one wudu is valid even if I pass wind. Sometimes, if I see that the gases have calmed I renew my wudu before the adhan (eventhough I am in a tahara state until the next prayer time enters) in order to not make.. More

  • Suffers from Wind Incontinence

    Title:Passing wind Assalamua"laikum Sheikh, sometimes i pass wind unintentionally during salah.I do not pass wind in all the prayers.sometimes in magrib and isha sometimes in dhur and asr and rarely in fajr.the question is:AM I EXCUSED OR NOT?this doesn"t happen every day.sometimes i am able to pray all the five prayers without passing wind.sometimes.. More

  • Minor Dirt Remnants On the Body Don't Invalidate Wudhoo'

    As Salamu Alaykum! I have a question regarding validity of prayer, I woke up for fajr and took off a band aid from the previous night, some remains of glue had stayed which in wudu I washed off and after wudu I was certain I had gotten removed off it but the issue lies that after salah i seen dried up remains that have dried up AFTER the wudu, this.. More

  • Criteria of Dryness from Menses

    assalamuAlaikum I no longer see whitish or dryness after my period again for the past 1year now instead I sees milkish or yellowish it doesn't drop but when I insert wool I sees it sometimes I will wait but the whitish or dryness would not show.wat do I do? should I take ghusl like that or I should wait for 15days normally my period is 5days. .. More

  • Impurity Splashed His Body, Clothes, and The Floor

    When defecating if najis water splashed onto me such as on my thigh or buttocks or arm , I would firstly wash my private parts ( I wouldn’t wash the area where the impure splashes landed ) and then I would go to sink , wet my hands and thouroghly rub them on the areas where the splashes came . I did this 2-3 times . Do I become pure by this? Also.. More

  • Women’s Discharges and Peforming Ghusl In Cold Weather

    Assalmo alaikum I got my menstrual blood for 7 days then from 8th day to 12th day i see yellowish discharge then after a few days this discharge turns into greenish discharge. Is this greenish discharge pure/impure? Do i need to repeat my wudu? I just stopped taking contraceptive pills according to my doctor it is due to hormonal changes? It is very.. More

  • Does Not Shave Pubic Hair to Avoid Committing A Sin

    اسلام عل??م ورحمة الله وبركاته Can I stop cuting or shaving pubic hair because while doing so,bad and erotic thoughts come to me and by mistake I would commit a great sin which I fear to do Jazakallahkhair .. More

  • Very Affected With Whispers About Ghusl

    My question is about ghusl, and cleaning oneself from impurities. I suffer from whispers but this problem is not about whispers. when I do ghusl (takes an hour without listening to waswasa) and clean myself from impurities that splash on me (almost daily takes 15-30 minutes after the toilet - I am 100% certain the impurity went there) I only wash each.. More

  • Confused About Vaginal Discharges and Prayer

    My question is about regular vaginal discharge outside of menstruation or period times of the month. Your website states that this discharge nullifies wudoo' whereas other scholars such as Sh. Assimalhakeem say the opposite. I am OK to refresh my wudoo when I am at home and can "check" for the stains of discharge on the panty before each prayer (if.. More

  • Purifying A Place Contaminated With Urine

    The ruling and opinions that the four shieks made and agreed. Regarding the cleaning of the place that was urinated upon. The type that was talked about was getting the urine from the place and putting it in a bucket and adding the water later what is the ruling .. More