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1452 fatwas

  • Minimum amount of water needed for ablution

    i have one litre water. can i use this water for wudhu befor shalah. how much water minimize we use for wudhu .. More

  • Pure water in which a person put his hand

    Asselamu Aleikum I heard that a pure water, over which hand is immersed in couldn't be used for wudhu. Is that right?.. More

  • Wearing the slippers of the menstruating woman

    Salam Aleikum. My 13 year old son and I have the same shoe-size. He often in a hurry,puts on my slippers when going to the bathroom. But if I have my monthly period(menses) what will be the consequences if my son puts on my slippers? Are they not the same as the clothes I wear wich are unclean when I have my menses? Thank you... More

  • Has discharges and some blood after her monthly period is over

    Salam. Sometimes after my monthly period is over, I get alot of discharge and sometimes it has a little blood. Some times the blood is streaked-tinged and other times it is very dark blood. This usually only lasts about 2 days or so. The other days it would just be yellowish vaginal discharge. My question is: Can I have intercourse with my husband without.. More

  • Doubts that he discharged Mani after Ghusl

    can i work in the news agency as a sales promoter,in which they print wrong about muslims and semi-naked womens aslo.(second question ,after bathing,i got dout that i have released mani. .. More

  • Performing Ghusl correctly without knowing its obligations

    Assalamu AleikumIn my youth , i use to masturbate and have a bath afterwards but was not aware of the obligations and conditions of ghusl at that time. Some tim elater i came to know about the obligations such as niyyah and water touching every part of the body.I am worried now as to whether i should reperform my salah which i perfromed during that.. More

  • Has doubts about the validity of her Ghusl and prayers

    As salam alaikum. want an urgent help 2 solve my problem. I m suffuring from waswasulqahri since my child hood and bcaz of this after my marriage i had to do wadoo and had 2 make bath several time in one ritual bath . it was very difficult and lot of time was waisting. so being tired i left doing wadoo b4 bath and started 2 take as simple bath with.. More

  • Purifying a cloth which is licked by a dog

    If was ruled that if a dog licks on plate one has to washed it seven times, what about if it licks one cloth or body, how does one washes this away. Secondly, my mother is christian, she likes me alot and locves praying for me, cal I say AMEN to her prayers because she is christain... More

  • Impure water splashes on his body while defecating

    Bismillahi -rrahmani-rraheem, Assalamualaikum, When I go to the toilet to defeacate, it happens that the water inside the toilet sit(it will contain my urine) splash on different parts my body.So at the end I can't really pinpoint where exactly it splashed so I wash every part of my body trying to make the sponge actually pass over all parts. But this.. More

  • A husband shaving his beard against the will of his wife

    Salam. Is it considered haram for the husband to shave his beard? If the women sees her husband very nice in the beard, but the husband shaves it because he wants to, but the wife wants him to leave on, is this a sin? Also, if the wife tells him to leave it on because it is haram to take it off and also, because the wife enjoys it when he leaves the.. More

  • Saying the designated supplication of ablution inside the toilet

    i am working in saudi arabia.the company provides me my room bathroom and toilet are attached.when i make wadoo or take bath,can i read dua after wadoo inside bathroom,because it is attached with toilet,or i have to wait until i come out of my bathroom... More

  • Woman having discharges before her monthly period

    salam alaykom,r the brown small spots that a woman see b4 her period immediately and that she see only like 2 times per day are they considered period?or she should fats and pray on those days until she see the red blood?i have read a fatwa for Sheikh Qardawi saying that the blood of period is well known by it's smell and darkness and that the brown.. More

  • Shaving the beard while studying abroad

    Al-sallamu Al-laikoum ... Does flying abroad for the seek of knowledge, considers as ''Jihad"? and if so, am I allowed to shave my beard in order to keep my self out of troubles? Knowing that I have heard once committing a small sin just to avoid a bigger one is disliked but possible!!! Jazzakoum Allahu Khair .. More

  • Wants to perform Hajj but has continuous discharges

    salaam u alaikum, I am planing to go to Haj insha allah, I have a problem I get discharge alot that I have to make new wodu five time a day I can not keep my wodu from prayer to the other what should i do when go Haj insha allah. Please need your advice on this. salaam u alaykum... More

  • Touching the hair of a non-Muslim

    I have a friend who is a christian and has dread hair, does the his dread hair invalidate my cloth for Solat?.. More