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1451 fatwas

  • Female circumcision to beautify the sex organ

    Assalamu Alaikom!! I once read, either in a magazine or online (I am not sure which) ,that female circumcision is not obligatory. But it is recommended to "beautify" the female genitalia in cases of deformity. I posted this in an online forum and have since been asked to provide daleel. I have searched and searched but cannot find the evidnce... More

  • Prayers of a woman whose menses repeat every seven days

    my frined is in problem.she is to face the menstrual period abnormility.actually her menstrual cycle repeats after every seven days instead of one month or 28days.doctors say that it is harmonal imbalance and has no proper the question is that whether she can offer her prayers or not?i mean she feels that she must offer her prayers.what do.. More

  • Removing the hair under the navel and on the hips

    Is it necessary to remove hairs from testis(two male reproductive glands) ,hairs which are between hips and hairs which are slightly below and around belly button ?.. More

  • Has doubts that impure splashes hit his body while in the toilet cleaning himself

    Salaam u alaikum My question is regards to going to the toliet and excreting/doing stools. Here in UK we have the other toliets which you sit on - the ones that are high up in posture. My question is that after I have done stools etc. I pour water down my backside and wipe my backside with my left hand, the thing is whilst doing this sometimes, water.. More

  • Wife performing Ghusl before her husband after intercourse

    Assalamualikum, I would like to ask that after sex/intercourse with his wife who should be GHUSUL first, husband of wife? Some peoples say that woman should GHUSUL first... More

  • Removing man's hair of the neck by laser

    I usually wear a trimmed beard as people in teh Gulf. I go on a weekly basis to the barber. The new fashion in the Gulf, would be to have the line of the beard (the one falling in the neck) remove permanently using Laser surgery. Is this permitted ??.. More

  • Performing Ghusl after having illegal sex

    assalamualaikum,please i would like to know if there is any point performing the ghusl bath after fornication since fornication itself is unacceptable... More

  • His 7 year-old son urinated in the mosque during Friday prayer

    Assalamualaikum brother, I have 2 queries: 1. It is about my next neighbour, my good brother German muslim. He is rearing one German Shephard dog only kept outside the house. His purpose of keeping it is for the safety of his warehouse within the premise and also to guard from intruders entering the premise. He and his family are all in contact with.. More

  • Excrements of birds dropping on one's clothes

    As Salamalaikum, Kindly tell me what is the opinion of ulema regarding the bird droppings on clothes,do they have 2 be washed a whole or mere washing the affected area will suffice.Can salaat be offered in such clothes before clensing them.Jazakallah Wasalam.. More

  • Wiping over his hair in ablution might ruin his hair style

    Salaam, I have 3 question in regards to Wudu. 1] What is the exact method of Doing Wudu when it comes to the part where you have done the arms and are about to move to the Hair? 2] When you do Ghusl, I understand the water has to reach and touch every single root of the hair as well as the body. does this same procedure or concept apply to Wudu?.. More

  • Unable to grow his beard because of his school rules

    Assalamu Alaikum I asked this question about a month ago but received no reply. I go to a government public school which tries to promote equality,dicipline and harmony among students.It is a School where the Majority are Buddhist since My country , SriLanka , is Buddhist. Anyway , the problem is that , we have to be clean shaven as a part of the school.. More

  • Dribbling urine after urinating

    Salaam I was wondering if you could help me with a few problems. I currently suffer from a urinary problem - I tend to dribble urine after urinating (not major urinary incontinence) & leak very slightly intermittently (on & off - no detectable pattern) all the time - but not streaming urine or anything on that scale just very slight leakage... More

  • Abandoning food that increases the problem of passing wind during prayer

    As salamu alaikum, Around one and a half years ago, I started to pass gas frequently during the solat. Now I see that out of the 10 major foods we eat in my culture,5 cause serious gas for me.And if I eat them,then I will have to pass gas several times and praying might become rather difficult for me.On the other hand,if I avoid these five foods and.. More

  • The first person to be circumcised

    Assalam o alaikum, I had read this hadith from your site The Prophet said: "The Prophet Abraham circumcised himself after he had passed the age of eighty years and he circumcised himself with an aze." I have heard that male circumcisation is far older than this and it was found in the form of painting in the caves during stone age and also in egyptian.. More

  • Wiping over socks wet by one's sweat

    Assalamu Alaykum I would like to know whether I can wipe my socks when doing wudu while my feet are sweaty and the socks are fairly moist due to the sweat. Is the sweat on the feet regarded as najas? Assalamu Alaykum.. More