I've been growing a full beard according to the Sunnah (length of a fist) of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) for the last 3 years. The reward is amazing. People identified me as a Muslim right away and greet with ‘Salaam.’ My wife and I just don't understand how some of these so called " Big Sheikh" have a really nice trimmed beard.. More
What is Islamic ruling of a Muslim who does not keep his beard in the way of Sunnah and shave part of the face and leaves the Jaw and many other ways for fashion? .. More
My question isabout the ruling for females making Ghusl (ablution). I recently got married and realised that it is too difficult for women to take afull bath, including washing the hair every time after intercourse specially in winter. I want to know if women can take a bath without undoing their hair braids and without wetting the whole scalp.. More
While making ablution do we not clean the neck and the back of the neck with the back of our fingers? I have seen my uncle doing this since my childhood.Kindly advise. .. More
I know about wiping over socks and Khuffs, but I would like to know if it is permissible to wipe our shoes during Wudu when we are at work or traveling and we are performing Wudu in public bathrooms?.. More
LatelyI have been having problems wheneverI visit the toilet and finish urinating. After a while small clear sticky drops come out.I think its Madhi or Wadi.Previously it used to appear afterI visited the toilet; now it comes almost every time.I know its Najis.I have to remove my underwear every time prayer timebegins andI have torush the.. More
When does a woman have to do Ghusl if her husband pleases her with his hand (gives her orgasm)? Is a menstruating woman allowed to please her husband with her hand or mouth?.. More
Noticed once by accident that after defecation and cleaning well with a lot of water that there is yellow stain appear with using a piece of cleaning paper only by pushing it hard to reach the defecation opening and I noticed that this stain appears after defecation and cleaning (sometimes after minutes and sometimes after hours and I am not.. More
I am 16 years old. Is it necessary for me to cut my pubic hairs? Will my prayers be accepted if I don't do so? In orderto perform a Ghusl is it necessary to cut the pubic and armpit hair?I cutthat hairwith scissors, butI did not shaveit.Is this practice satisfactoryaccording tothe Sunnah? Please reply.I care very much about my prayer being accepted... More