What one should do if none of the conditions of the prayer are met? For example not to be in Wudu, no water available, no way to perform Tayammum, not to know the direction of Qiblah, etc. What should one in such situation do?
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For the last 20 years since I started praying I have been told that I was making Wudu in a wrong sequence not according to what was mentioned in Qur'an. I start by washing hands, mouth, nose, face then ears and head before I wash the arms. I was told that I should wash the arms then ears and head. Is the sequence of doing Wudu a strict one?
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Could you please tell us about the advantages of leaving the beard (One handful or more) and shaving the mustache according to medical science?
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I had my menses before my wedding night and ended on the day of my wedding in the morning, but before the relation with my husband at night I found yellow discoloration. My regular days for menstruation is maximum 7 days and I do not remember if this was the 7th or 8th day. We had sexual relation. Did I do something wrong and if so, how can I ask Allah.. More
I want to know if any body is paralyzed by one hand and one leg and he unable to keep purity and Wudu even he cannot take food by hand so in this case he has to do prayer in time and without Wudu and without purity and he can do the Tazbee in this condition. And one more question at the time of prayer the mind is used to go here and there and some time.. More
If a lady visits a doctor and she is examined inside (i.e. her vagina) or is prescribed medicines which she has to insert, does she have to take a purification bath before she performs Salat?.. More
Is this right that washing any body part or washing any thing three times will clean that thing. If it is so then there is no need of soap or washing powders. Is this true for taking bath also? If not then what is the exact way of taking bath (Ghusl).
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