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2408 fatwas

  • Praying Taraaweeh with the congregation is better than praying alone

    Today I heard from one mosque in Kerala, on Ramadhaan nights Taraaweeh with Jamaa't is better than Tahajjud, one man is doing Tahajjud everyday at midnight 365 days himself, what is the better in Ramadhaan Tahajjud or Taraaweeh? Please give me the clear answer as soon as possible, please keep me in your all supplications brother in Islam. .. More

  • Supplicating during the prayer

    A few years back, one of my Muslim friend told me that it will be good to do Du'a during the second last Raka'h (during prostration) after saying "Subhana Rabbiyal Alaa Wabahamdi-3" of each obligatory Waajib prayer, and I have been doing that since.. But my husband who follows a different scholar told me that I am not allowed to do any kind of Du'a.. More

  • Praying in a storage room which contains alcohol boxes

    I would appreciate if you can please answer me on the following question. I work in a company and the only place to pray is in a storage. However, I have found out that this storage holds alcohol in various boxes. I am unsure if I should continue praying as usual or do I stop because it's not a purity place. .. More

  • Praying while hanging ID cards with photo

    We are working in Hamad Hospital here in Doha Qatar. They are giving employee cards with little employee details and photograph and it should be hanged in front of the dress that's the rule. Shall we pray while that card with photo is on the front of our dress? .. More

  • Does not pray because he takes bribery

    In fact I am Government sector employee where salaries are not sufficient for life survives. So, no other way to get on except bribe (Rishwath).To avoid to take that bribe I went Gulf for employment, but I have not success in that also. But I performed prayer when I was at Gulf due to as I got Halaal income. Now I am not performing prayer.. More

  • Thinks he is excused from prayer

    I read the quote below from a website and I'd like to know if I have a valid excuse to not pray. I have never, as I remember, completely read and understood the Quran in my language (English). I have other issues in my life as well, but would this be a good enough reason to miss Salat? "We are informed that one will be punished in the Hell for 70,000.. More

  • Intention before praying

    When we stand before Allah to perform Salah, do we have to make an intention; for example, if it is Asr time do we say' I intend to pray 4 fard of Asr pray for you Allah, 'or do we say nothing and just pray? I was told that we don't make an intention when we stand to pray Please advice... More

  • He never prays Fajr on time

    A person who prays four times in Masjid but never wakes up for Fajr and prays his Fajr prayer at Thuhr time daily. What is the Hukm on this kind of person and how can I advice him since he lives with me?.. More

  • Mistakes in the prayer

    My brother led Thuhr prayer and he started to recite Surah Faatihah out loud in the first Raka'h but after saying Iyyaka Na'budu he stopped, and then I started to correct him, but then I too realized that I was making a mistake. At the end of the Salat he did not make Sajda-e-Sahw. Is the Salat valid or do we have to make Qadha? .. More

  • Aborted his prayer when the Iqaamah was called

    I performing Sunnah prayer (2nd Raka'h) this morning when Iqaamah announce so I stop and joined the line. After Salah a brother told me that I made mistake. He said I should do Tasleem even on standing position because I completed Rukoo already. Please kindly advice me. .. More

  • Moving index finger

    This is regarding moving the index finger during Thashahhud. I read your Fatwa: 81988 and have got a pretty good idea about the matter. I got confused with the following sentence in your Fatwa: 'Finally, we conclude that moving the finger sometimes and leaving the movement other times is desirable to follow the Sunnah. We say this, because.. More

  • Effect of matter not removed by ablution on the prayer

    I did my Wudu, then I prayed and a few hours later I looked in the mirror and I saw some mucus that comes out of the eyes still on my skin, on the edge of my eye so I repeated my Wudu and prayer because I don't know the ruling on it. Does that stuff prevent water from reaching the skin? Was my prayer valid? Do I need to repeat the prayer?.. More

  • Prayed prayer of traveler before traveling

    I was asked by my Boss this afternoon - Thuhr time - to go to Jubail site (500 KM) away from Riyadh, thus I prayed - Thuhr and 'Asr prayers - in Jam' and Qasr before leaving. Later my Boss changed his mind and asked me to postpone my travel till tomorrow, and I didn't travel. My question is, should I pray Thuhr and 'Asr prayers again in 4-Raka'hs.. More

  • Difficulty with prayer times in Switzerland

    I hope you are well by the blessing of Allaah. We would like to have your assistance, regarding Islam. We formulated this as follows: Topic: Health Sub-Topic: Prayer timings and sleep current situation: In Switzerland now in June we have earliest time for Ishaa prayers around 23:00 and latest for Fajr around 05:00. We can't sleep before 23:30.. More

  • Two Friday prayer in the same village

    My question is: what is the distant to have two Friday prayer in a Muslim village according to Islam. There is one mosque which has enough space for the village crowd. Despite this can have two Friday prayer? Can you explain this with proofs of Hadeeth? .. More