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2408 fatwas

  • Helping her husband learn the prayers

    I got married recently and found out that my husband does not know the Arabic prayers read in Salaat. I tried to teach him by using books but as I am myself not free nowadays with my exams, I was not able to continue it due to time restraint. As I figured out that by forcing him to read from books or to force him to go find a teacher was not helping.. More

  • Standing beside the Imaam when all the rows are filled

    Please I need clarification on this issue thus: the row of worshippers beside the Imaam, is this the first or the last row, bearing un mind that there are about four rows behind the Imaam, but due to lack of space, the worshippers decide to stand beside the Imaam, should this be accepted and which is it, the first or the last row? .. More

  • Why the Athaan is only in Arabic

    Please could you give me the answer as to why Athaan should not to be recited in different languages?.. More

  • Immunization, selecting an Imaam, and benefits of Western knowledge to a Muslim

    1) What is the Islamic perspective on immunization? 2) What are the conditions governing the selection of Imaam? 3) What are the benefit or importance of Western knowledge to a Muslim and what are the disadvantage? .. More

  • Prayers when entering the mosque just before the Iqaamah

    After entering the mosque, if there is not enough time left for the Iqaamah, which of the below listed prayers should be offered first. 1) Tahiyat Al-Masjid, or 2) 4 Raka'h Sunnah (for Thuhr Prayer)... More

  • Using Istikhaarah prayer to know whom one will eventually marry

    I wanted to ask simply, that if it is possible for people to know whether a person is right for them to marry or not through methods such as Istikhaarah why is it not possible to find out in the same way 'who' a person will actually end up marrying? Would this be classed as knowledge of the unseen?.. More

  • Combining and shortening the prayers

    I would like to know about the prayer time, I had an argument with my husband that all Muslims has to pray 5 times a day and this the way we were taught by our parents, he travels all the time due to his work and he do combining and shortening of prayers, but when he is home for 3 or 4 days he still pray combining and shortening of prayers. Is.. More

  • Islamic calligraphy inside and outside the mosque

    The committee in our Masjid in New York is thinking of having Islamic calligraphy of Quranic Ayah engraved inside as well as outside of Masjid (all around building). What is the Islamic ruling on this act? I mean isn't one of the Al-Saa'h decorating the Masjid? Please provide any Ayah or Hadeeth if any. .. More

  • Prays at work, but with difficulty

    I try my best to make sure I always do my Salaat at work, but, there's no designated place for prayers. Sometimes I pray in the conference room when it's not occupied, however, sometimes it's occupied by employees. So I try to find any suitable place like next to my manager's office. But, people will be passing by or trying to get to the office.. More

  • Forgetfulness in prayer and calling to Islam

    I have a couple of questions to ask. 1) What should one do if he does a mistake in congregational prayers like a mistake requiring Sujood Sahv because I can't do that as I am praying after an Imaam? Sometimes I don't completely erect after Rukoo' or don't take a proper break between the 2 Sujood as sometimes I am but late to react to his Takbeer. 2).. More

  • When to pray missed Fajr prayer

    I wanted to know that if for some reason you sleep through Fajr and then wake up in the morning, do you have to make up Fajr straight away or can you wait till Thuhr time and I heard that if you pray Fajr after Thuhr then you don't pray 2 Raka'h Sunnah. I'm unsure on this matter. .. More

  • Reciting Qunoot in Fajr prayer

    Is it right that according to Madhab Shaafi'ee Du'aa Qunoot is recited in second Raka'h of Fajr prayer daily but it is recited in Witr prayer only from 15th of Ramadhaan up to ending night of Ramadhaan? Please give Fatwa according to Madhab Shaafi'ee. .. More

  • Sayings before starting the prayer

    What does one say after starting prayer, cause I have noticed people muttering before reciting the Faatihah? .. More

  • Reading a prepared speech for Friday Khutbah

    I have one question and I’ll be glad if you answer it.This week before Friday prayer a young lady wrote the Friday speech and submits it to a man to read it in Friday speech. The speech was written by her. Is that allowed by Islam or not? Why, why not! What about our pray following that man? It’s acceptable or not? There were strong argument.. More

  • His friend does not pray in the mosque due to studies

    Our course at college is hard. One of my friends said he doesn't pray in the mosque because he does not get time for it as he is studying hard for the course. He is doing the course to take care of his parents in the future (as in to earn money). He gave me an example of a Hadeeth where a Sahaabi (companion of Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam).. More