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2408 fatwas

  • Prayed With A Paint Spot on His Nail

    Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhAbout a month ago i painted walls, i washed my hands to get rid of the paint, made wudu and prayed. The next day i came to know that there was still a little bit of paint on my nail left from the day before and the water couldnt reach this spot. What should i do? .. More

  • Delaying Making Up a Missed Prayer

    If someone misses Fajr unintentionally and wakes up after sunrise but sleeps again deliberately and prays it later, will his prayer be valid, will he come under the same ruling as whom scholars have said about that deliberately missing the prayer or this matter is a little broader in scope (as he deliberately didn't sleep till sunrise) ? .. More

  • Method of Purifying a Carpet or Seat from Urine

    Assalamu alaykum sheikh i just wanted to ask, what are we meant to do if something hard to wash has urine on it. For example, say someone urinated on a car seat or on a carpet that covers the whole house, and the urine dried, are the carpet and car seats tahir? if we sit on the car seat or step on the carpet, are we tahir? can we pray on that carpet?sheikh.. More

  • The Difference Between a Musalla and a Mosque

    Hello,Salaam alaykom, I live in Sweden, in a small suburb and we do not have an official mosque here in my small town, we only have a relatively small section within an apartment building that is being rented by us from the muncipality on a monthly basis and is officially called an "islamic culture center". Within this center some people pray 5 times.. More

  • Turning the Head Slightly During Prayer

    Assalum alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. In the final rakaa of my prayer, after reciting salatul Ibrahimiyyah, I turned my face to my right side (as someone would do when saying the tasleem) and said the beginning of the dua after the tashahud (allahuma inni authu bika min athabi jahannam) without completing it. After I had realized my face was.. More

  • Performed Prayer While in a State of Sexual Impurity

    What is the ruling, if a person is in sexual impurity and offers salah in congregation, noting that he did so because he was too embarrassed to tell his colleagues that he is in the state of impurity? .. More

  • Prayed With a Little Hole in His Trousers

    May you all be blessed, I prayed Salatul Asr and realised afterwards that I had prayed in my trousers which have a small rip in them that is about the size of a corn kernel, which I think exposes an area of the thigh. I knew about it before, but had forgotten about it when I wore them on this occasion. Should I repeat the prayer from that day, even.. More

  • Making Up Missed Rak’ahs with the Imam

    If one misses 3 rakats in a 4 rakat salah how can he offer the misses 3 rakats ofsalah .. More

  • Etiquettes When Leading People In Prayer

    AsSalamualikum I have 1 question. You see, in my country, some shopping malls are equipped with prayer rooms. And most of the time, I am asked to be the Iman to a small group of people (around 2-4 it depends actually). Therefore, I was hoping that you could educate me on the rules and etiquette or everything I need to know to be an imam to both my family.. More

  • Pray Fajr When There Is Light Pollution or Overlapping of Twilights

    In Germany around summer time we have the problem of "persistent twilight" which basically means that the end of evening twilight (Maghrib) "overlaps" with the morning twilight (Fajr), if we use 18° for Fajr. In cities we can not really observe it because of light pollution and hence the Muslims here have different prayer times. In Fatwa 268246 you.. More

  • Reciting Al-Faatihah Behind the Imam


  • Attending a Second Jumu’ah in the Same Mosque

    The closest masjid to my school holds 2 Jumuahs because there is not enough space for everyone and other masajid are too far away. First one is at 1-1:30pm and second one at 2-2:30pm while school ends at 1.15pm, so I need to run to catch at least 1 rakah from the first Jumuah.My questions are: 1. What should I do in this situation?and2. What if I miss.. More

  • Women Following the Imam When Separated by a Wide Road

    Question 1: The mens masjid is opposite the womens musalla by a road approximately 12 metres wide.There is full speaker connection between the two buildings. Is the salah of the women accepted if they follow the Imam even if the mens hall is not completely full?Question 2.What if the distance of 12 metres gap is increased to 24 metres. Is the women's.. More

  • He Shortened the Maghrib Prayer During Travel

    Salaam ‘Alaykum. [I need an answer as soon as possible, please]. Not so long ago, I read that maghrib prayer is not to be shortened at all, and when I read that, it felt like it was the first time reading that and it felt like I learnt something new. Then I remembered that years ago, I travelled somewhere with my family and I shortened the prayers.. More

  • Not Safe to Pray Fajr and Isha in Mosque

    My parent does not allow me to go to the mosque which is 10 mins away from my home for fajr and Esha salah. Because of fear that someone might attack me.Also because of these recent events. During Ramadan I used to stay in my grandparent place(less than 15 mins by car from my location) where I go to the mosque for fajr prayer alhamdulillah no harm happen.. More