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2406 fatwas

  • Praying Behind Imaams Who Pronounce Letters Improperly

    Asalamualikum all of those who are on this website. My question is that I live in an arab country and as so you know arabs are perfect in reading Quran. But still I find many arab imams pronouncing the letters of Surah Fatiha wrong. They pronounce the letter ض as ظ and letter ذ as د. I find extremely few imams who recite totally correct. This thing.. More

  • No Istikhaarah Is Required before Marriage Proposal

    Assalamualaikum, If there is someone we come across in our life we find is suitable, can we do isthikhara to know if we can proceed with a proposal for marriage? Jazak Allah Khair .. More

  • Combining Prayers Due to Ritual Purity Issues

    I want a clear explation about a person with spinal cord injury who is unable to control and feel his bladder and bowel movement and used catheter and diaper and a care giver change his diaper currently the person use teymum to perform udu whenever the time is due for salah each morning and evening a care giver change his diaper. Is it obligatory to.. More

  • Time to Recite Transitional Takbeer During Prayer

    What should I do if I accidentally say or begin to say, during the salaah, the takbeer for movement while I am still in the current position, then either finish it in that position or finish it in the next position? Do I do sujud as sahu before the tasleem? The problem is that I did not say the thikr, or completely say it, in the correct position, that.. More

  • A Woman Is Not Allowed to Call the Athaan or the Iqaamah

    If a husband and wife only or a mother and her son only prays obligatory salat at home in congregation,provided that the man or the son cannot attend the masjid since it is closed by government due to corona virus pandemic then should the husband or the son should give iqamah who are the imams or should the follower of imam in this case the mother or.. More

  • Establishing another Mosque To Foster Their Unity Amongst Muslims

    Salam We live in a small to medium town in the US. We have had a mosque here but the mosque hasn't been run properly and has been taken over by the followers of a very unreasonable scholar from Saudi who makes tabdi' of people all the time and is very harsh. The mosque leadership thus is obsessed with its sectarian dawah at the cost of the rest of.. More

  • Commuting to and Back from Work Daily: Can He Shorten Prayers?

    If a person travels every day for work(leave morning them come home at night), or perhaps he does this for some period of time but not always, then can he combine his prayers at his destination? .. More

  • Meaning of Verse: {And ask those We sent before you of Our messengers}

    assalam alikum in 10:94 it says to ask those who have read the book before thee meaning christions and jews about story of noah and moses but the storys in the bible of noah and moses are different than the storys in the quran like bible says ark landed on mount arat but quran says mount judi and bible says noah was a drunk but quran says no .. More

  • Performing Only Obligatory Prayer

    What is the ruling on praying only fard prayers? I used to always only perform the fard prayers for each prayer. Is all of the prayers I performed invalid? .. More

  • Lacks Khushoo’ in Prayer

    Assalamu Alaikum I do not know how to tell my story. Since I was little i was taught everything about Islam. And, praise be to Allah, I believe in Him, and that there is no God but Him, His messengers, may peace be with them all, His books, the day of judgment and in His decree. I also believe that prayer is obligatory, as well as zakat, etc. The.. More

  • Praying the Three-Rak’ah Witr Prayer Two Rak’ahs and Then One

    assalamu alaykum. I have a question: Is it permissible to pray 2 rakkas of witr at the masjid and then pray the one rakaa left at home? i read that the prophet used to seperate the thrid and second rakaa of witr for a certain matter in saheeh al bukhari. What about If i m not a hanafi but the masjid people are hanafis, then is it permissible? .. More

  • Students Holding Multiple Jumu'ah Prayers Because of Lectures

    Asalamu Alkium, I organize Jummah Prayers at my University in Canada. Within the time for Dhur we usually do 2 Jummahs to best accommodate students. However every year. We get about 25-30 students that are unable to make it to both Jummahs due to classes or a lab that span the time for both. The idea of making a 3rd Jummah comes up which divides our.. More

  • Lives Far; Is He Obliged To Attend Congregation?

    Here in Germany the Masaajid are not allowed to make the Adhan loudly. The nearest Masjid to my home as per beeline (linear distance) is 1.27km away but the actual walking distance is 2.4km because the way is not straight and I have to walk through the city. Then there is another Masjid that is around 1.6km away, both linear distance and actual walking.. More

  • Commended to Perform All Sunnah Acts of The Prayer

    When I pray, I do the minimum that's required. I aim for validity instead of reward. For example I do the obligatory actions and miss out probably most of the sunnah actions. And I slouch and cross my arms. I still respect Salah fully though, I just make it as easy as possible. Am I sinful for this in any way? And what about the Hadith about prayer.. More

  • Overcome by Sleep in Prayer

    If a person is very sleepy while praying, for example, he can barely stand or keep his eyes open, he keeps forgetting or does not know at which point of the prayer in which he is, he doesn't know that which he is saying, etc., then can he take a nap, even if he thinks that he will most likely miss the time of the prayer, and then perform it later? Especially.. More