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2406 fatwas

  • Raising Index Finger in Tashahhud

    I'm a little bit confused about raising the index finger in tashahud. I know for sure it's sunnah, but how should I do it? Hanafis raise the index finger once, but Sheikh Al-Albanee (May Allah have mercy on him) wrote it is incorrect. I know that the prophet (SAWS) urged us to supplicate with it . 1) Should I start supplicating with my index finger.. More

  • Time of Prayer

    What is the time period for each prayer? .. More

  • Praying behind a man who curses the Prophet's companions

    If an Imam, who attributes to the companions of the Prophet that from which the Qur'an has declared their innocence,is leading a prayer say "Magrib -Salat". Can a Sunni pray behind him? Or vice versa? What is a rule regarding this? Please comment on this. .. More

  • Muslim Workers Denied Right to Pray ‘Eed Al-Adh-ha

    What do you say about the Muslim workers not being allowed to pray for Eid-ul Adha in Golf Club. However, they resisted their manager for one hour to pray the Eid-ul Adha, even then he did not allow them to pray. Lastly they, i.e. workers, decided themselves to go for prayer of Eid-ul Adha by taking the firm decision that if the golf club authority.. More

  • Losing cousciousness while praying

    If anyone, while praying became affected by "Jinn" what should he do? What do you suggest?.. More

  • Not Praying in Mosque for Security Reasons

    My father refuses to let me to go to the mosque because of security reasons, and we all pray together in home and when I was praying before in the mosque they didn't pray, so when I pray in home they pray. Is praying in home with my family okay and not going to the mosque? .. More

  • Praying the Obligatory Prayer alone without Iqaamah

    Can I offer Fard (compulsory) Salah alone without saying Iqamat? What is the ruling regarding such Iqamat? Is it compulsory (Fard) to say it when one is praying alone? Is the Salah invalid if I don't say it? Please reply in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah. .. More

  • Joining Thuhr with ‘Asr in the Factory

    I work in a chicken factory. I cannot pray Thuhr at work due to my dirty clothes which will be full with blood and chicken waste. Can I join Thuhr with ‘Asr .. More

  • When in Sujood should hands or knees touch floor first?

    When you bow down to make Sujood in the Salat, do you put your hands on the floor first, or your knees first? Please, provide us with proof from Sunnah! According to Sheikh al Albani's book, you put your hands first!.. More

  • Praying behind Hanafees

    I am staying in Bombay, India and there are many almost 95% Hanafee sect followers. I was also Hanafee but Allah gave guidance and I was converted to Salafee/Ahle Hadith just 1 1/2 years ago. My question is can I pray Salah behind Hanafee Aalim (scholars)? Will my Salah be accepted? Some of the Salafee Ulama says it is OK, but some strictly says NO... More

  • Conditions of the Jumu’ah Prayer

    What are the conditions of Salat al-Jumah, and where it is accepted? .. More

  • Difficulty Attending Friday Prayer

    I am staying in Japan to get a doctor degree in computer science. My question: I have a seminar on Friday in one university without any other Muslim; what can I do to pray Jumua'h? Is it possible to pray it with two person only, since I can ask my friend to go with me? Remark: There is another place for praying Jumua'h but it is far from the university.. More

  • Praying in Mosque Built with Money From Questionable Sources

    I pray in a mosque called Alkhalil mosque in Adelaide Australia. This mosque is very big and new, build by Palestinian Muslim. I personally do not know the person who built the mosque but I heard that he trades with cigarettes and deals with interest (Riba). Some Muslims even accuses him of building this mosque with money of (Riba). I know he lives.. More

  • Praying behind an Imam who wears Tamimah

    Can one offer Salah behind an Imam wearing Tameemah (Qur'anic verses wrapped in a piece of cloth on the top of the arm)? I told the Imam and also gave the book stating that Tameemah is SHIRK as per Hadith of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam written in musnad Ahmed, but he is saying that some Ulama's allow it. They say that intention should.. More

  • Praying at graves

    I was told that Imam Shaafi used to pray two Raka's at the grave of Abu Hanifah whenever he had some trouble and his trouble would go away with this act. Can this be done?.. More