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2406 fatwas

  • Eating inside the Mosque

    Is there any evidence that states we shouldn`t eat in the mosque? .. More

  • Person crossing outside Sujuud area

    While praying, should I stop a person from crossing me outside my Sujuud area?.. More

  • Following the Imam

    I am from Karachi Pakistan where almost all people are either Hanafees or barailwees (worshippers at graves). I perform prayer following the Sunnah (of the Prophet) and as the "Ahle Hadith" or "the people of Saudia" pray. People here say that it is Sunnah to do as the Imam does. Is this correct? Also, sometimes after the Imam completes al-Fatiha,.. More

  • His Boss Does Not Let Him Pray Friday Prayer

    I work in a factory five days per week (Monday-Friday) on the day shift. My boss will not allow me to pray the Jumu'ah (Friday) prayer in the mosque. He also does not accept my explanation that as a Muslim I must do so, and demands other proof. What can I tell him and what proof can you give me? .. More

  • Father Neglecting the Prayer

    My father is not regularly performing the five obligatory prayers but he helps the poor and is very kind. Will he go to hell or paradise according to the sharee’ah? .. More

  • Woman Leading Women in Prayer

    Is a woman allowed to lead women in congregational prayer?If so is she allowed to recite loudly in prayers fajr, maghrib and isha?Is a women allowed to say Aameen loud if she prays behind men? Is a woman allowed to say Aamen if she prays with women only?Where I stay we have only one Musalla and women go there on Fridays to pray salatul jummah but we.. More

  • Praying in place used by all religions

    We have here in the university a silence room (all persons Muslims and non-Muslims, Christians or even Hindus) go there to pray. It has a lot of symbols and pictures in it. Most of Muslims didn't like to use it at all. Turkish Muslims accepted that in the past . Now, the university has a larger numbers of Muslims. The international office suggested.. More

  • Praying While Holding an Infant

    I am married and Alhamdulillah I have a son (1 year and a month old). Due lack of mosques here I am forced to pray my prayers at home with my wife, during the prayer my son usually comes in front of me or tries to cross me and so I pick him up, during my prayer and hold him with me till I finish reciting Al-fatiha etc., then I do Ruku with him before.. More

  • Position of palms during Qunut

    Is it Sunnah to raise hands with palms facing up during Du'a Qunut? Give clear proof.Is it Haram to enter the elevator with a woman alone?.. More

  • Man praying with alien woman in presence of unmarriage woman

    Can a man pray in congregation with an alien woman in a house in the presence of a unmarriageable woman who is not praying due to her menses?.. More

  • Saying the Qunoot Du'aa

    I would like to ask if it is a Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allaho Alaihi Wa Salam) to say Duaa' Alqunoot with the same rhythm and tajweed as he used to recite the Qur'an? If it is Sunnah, please provide the authentic Hadith that states so. If it is not, why do some Imams do that especially in Ramadan? .. More

  • Translation of Qunut of Hadeeth al-Hassan Ibn Ali

    I would appreciate it very much if you could tell me the Arabic translation to the Du'a. Qunut from the Hadeeth of al-Hassan Ibn Ali... More

  • Being Excused from Fajr Prayer

    Can you give me some examples of situations where a man is excused from attending the mosque for Fajr prayer? What distance is too far? What constitutes too much hardship? Is there any difference between the obligation on men to attend the mosque for the other 4 prayers? .. More

  • Tahajjud (night prayer)

    Please tell me about salat al- tahajjud according to the Sunnah... More

  • Praying at Home

    I am 10 minutes away from the Mosque and I used to pray in my home since I am busy. I know that it is 27 times better to pray at Mosque but is it a sin (HARAM) to pray in my home? .. More