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2405 fatwas

  • Sujood as-sahw according to the Hanafi School

    Assalaamu alaykum. We pray behind a Hanafi Imam who, if there is a need to perform sujud as-sawh (prostration of forgetfulness), does it in this manner: After reciting the tashahud [not the darud and du'a ma'surah], he gives salam to the right only and then performs sujud as-sawh and again recites the full tashahhud including darud and du'a ma'sura.. More

  • Women following the imaam when praying in the mosque

    Assalaamu alaykum. I live in Saudi Arabia, where women go to a mosque to pray when the shops are closed for any prayer. I do go to a mosque to make sure to pray on time. I used to follow the imam although the women are in a separate place, but I later discontinued following the imam after learning that women are are not supposed to follow him. Therefore,.. More

  • Ahaadeeth emphasizing that the mosque is a place of learning

    Please confirm whether the hadithmentionedbelow is authentic or not! The masjids as a place of learning is emphasized: Al-Bukhaari and Muslim related a story of three people who entered the mosque; the Companions were sitting in a circle around the Prophet. One of the three found a place and sat in it, the second sat at the back, and the third went.. More

  • Ahaadeeth about the decoration of mosques

    Assalaamu alaykum. I read 2 hadiths and would like to know whether they are correct 1. Abu Darda said that when you start decorating your mosques and beautifying your mus-haf... 2. Abdullah ibn Abbas narrated that the Prophet, sallallaahu ʻalayhi wa sallam, said that when the sins of a nation increase, then their mosques become greatly decorated... More

  • Ishraaq prayer may not count as Sunnah of Fajr as well

    If anyone misses the two-rak'ah (unit of prayer) sunnah prayer before fajr and then offers it after sunrise, will this salah also count as the two rak'ahs of salatul ishraq? .. More

  • Reciting istiftaah in the prayer is a Sunnah

    If we are to use the time for which the imam pauses after the first takbeer for Surah Al-Faatihah, then does that mean that we should give up on the opening supplication when praying behind an imam? I read in a hadith that there is a great reward in the opening supplication. .. More

  • Praying behind an Imaam who seeks help from the dead

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question regarding the permissibility of praying behind an imam who is an innovator. Near my house, there are two mosques at equal distance apart. One mosque is upon a lot of innovations, like saying the intention out loud before the prayer, reading dhikr (remembrance of Allaah) in unison after the prayer and making mass.. More

  • Making up for missed prayers if their number is not known

    I started praying when I almostturned 16 if my memory serves me correctly. I missed most prayers before that, not all. Even after 16, for some time, I may have missed prayers due to not bathing after a wet dream. I have read that one should make up for the missed prayers out of caution.1- My first question is, from what time? I have an approximate,.. More

  • Staying up all night to seek knowledge is better than voluntary night prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is the following: which of the two is better, praying at night or staying up late at night to seek knowledge? Also, when did the Salaf (pious predecessors) sleep when they remained awake all night? I do not think that they used to waste the blessings of the morning? .. More

  • Not attending congregational prayer in the mosque out of fear for oneself

    I live in a colony of soldiers, though many civilians are mixed within. Our country is, sometimes, subject to terrorist attacks that may specifically target the police or soldiers, and there have also been some attacks on mosques. As such, according to my father, our mosque is a possible target. Sometimes, for a few days after such an attack, he would.. More

  • No authentic narration states that Taraaweeh is eight rak'ahs

    Assalamu alaykum. I read a hadith and would like to know the authenticity of the hadith and narrators. Saaib bin Yazeed (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated, “During the Caliphate of Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him), we used to pray 8 rak’aahs (units of prayer) (of Taraweeh).” [Sunan Sa’eed bin Mansoor with reference from Al-Haawi.. More

  • It is not an obligation on the followers to give the imaam of the masjid a monthly salary

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Should an imam be placed on a monthly salary, even when the followers are not financially viable. Or is it mandatory that an imam take 1/5 of what ever value or volume of money or items are donated to the masjid? Please, support your answers with either a Quranic verse or a sound hadith. Thank you. .. More

  • Driving to mosque in car purchased with interest money

    assalamulaikum I want to know if I go salat in a car which is paid with interest money is my salat valid. secondlly I once got benefits which i think i should'nt have because when i work a certain amount of hours i get tax credits (benefits) i used the tax credit money to pay for installing parking sensors in my car. But that week I called in sick from.. More

  • The status of prayer affected by showing off

    Salam alaikum,i have some questions regarding showing off. 1. Is it showing off, when you are entering the masjid and you are ashamed of not praying tahiyat al-masjid, because it would be very unusal and strange for the others? If yes, what is, if you are thinking at that moment, that praying tahiyat is better anyway, because it is sunnah and so you.. More

  • Disliked to place anything in the Mihraab that causes distractions

    Asalam o alikun sir my question is that Digital clock placed near the acceptable.either it is jaiaz.any type of disturbance is occered in their namaz or not .. More