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2405 fatwas

  • Repeating after the mu'aththin if he mispronounces the athaan

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. The muezzin in our mosque pronounces the azan very badly. He elonges some things in such a way that the meaning is changed. Is it still prescribed for me to repeat his words? Please note that he has already been advised but does not listen to those advising him. .. More

  • Standing to the right of the imaam is not obligatory

    Once, I accidentally prayed to the left of the imam in congregation; only the imam and I were praying. What should I do about that prayer, should I repeat it; should the imam repeat it? I remember that it was either the Dhuhr or the 'Asr prayer. .. More

  • Repeating the transition takbeer in prayer

    Assalamu alaykum. Sometimes, when I bend over to bow or prostrate and say 'Allaahu Akbar', I forget whether I actually said it or not and repeat it. I did that just now for the Thuhr prayer but then felt that I did not properly say Allaahu Akbar properly and repeated it. I was already warned by a religious friend of mine that repeating one of these.. More

  • Why the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam, prayed 2 Rak'ahs after 'Asr though it is forbidden

    Assalaamu alaykum Shaikh. While reading Sahih Al-Bukhaari, I read the following hadith that I already knew. Volume 1, Book 10, Number 560: Abu Sa'id Al-KhudriI narrated that he heard the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,say, "There is no prayer after the morning prayer till the sun rises, and there is no prayer after the ‘Asr prayer till the.. More

  • Joining two persons praying in congregation in the last sujood

    Assalaamu alaykum. Two are performing the prayer, one as the imam and another following him at his side, a little behind him. Another person enters during the last rak'ah (unit of prayer) during the sajdah (prostration). Should he follow the imam? And how? And if so, then what should the first guy do; move back or sit in sajdah and complete his prayer?.. More

  • Being naked while alone

    I understand by your fatwa no. 87404 that sleeping naked is permissible in Islam as long as no one would see me, but is it permissible to be nude when alone and ensuring that no one would see me? By that, I mean taking off your clothes when alone and doing everything naked for the comfort of it? Is it haram? .. More

  • Raising from rukoo' or sujood before the imaam

    This is a bit urgent, does doing raising from rukoo' or sujood before the imam invalidate one's prayer? If so under what conditions (intentional/unintentional) does the prayer need to be repeated? .. More

  • Prayer valid when one goes to mosque with an intention other than praying

    Is one's prayer invalid if he goes to the mosque in order to enjoy the weather but would not have gone to the mosque otherwise? .. More

  • Delaying 'Asr and then forgetting to perform it

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question regarding the difference between neglecting and forgetting the prayer. If there are 30 minutes left for 'Asrand I wait with the intention of praying in about 15 minutes, and then, while I am eating, I forget about 'Asrand the sun goes down. Does this fall under neglect or forgetting, because I forgot at the end?.. More

  • Talking to a praying person to correct his mistakes

    Assalaamu alaykum. May Allaah reward you for your service to the Muslim world. Sir, my father is a cancer patient. He spent his whole life preaching religion and hence there is no question that he failed to perform any prayer or fast. His cancer is in the last stages and it has occupied his whole body with pain and other serious problems. His mental.. More

  • Number of rak'ahs in Taraweeh in Hanafi School

    Assalaamu alaykum shaykh. I am a new follower of ahle-hadith from India. Some hanafi people here argue that only the 20 rak'ah taraweeh is from the Sunnah. I know that there are other hadiths in Al-Bukhaari where the prophet prayed 11 and 13 rakah's Taraweeh/Tahajjud. I also know that here are some hadiths in Muwatta Imam Maalik where Umar, may Allaah.. More

  • Sujood outside of prayer for supplicating

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. I am Mohamed Hafees; I have some questions; please give me the answers. Can I do separate sujuds (prostrations) (meaning, outside of the prayer), and can I make supplications in separate sujuds? Is it from the Sunnah or not? If it is not from the Sunnah, then am I allowed to do that? .. More

  • Performing Fajr congregational prayer ten minutes before sunrise

    Assalaamu alaykum. I live in Bangladesh. There is an uncommon practice here in the mosques. That is, most of the mosques here pray the Fajr congregational prayer right before sunrise (ten minutes before only). As a result, many a times, when I finish the congregation, I see that the daylight has appeared! If I accidently miss one raka'ah (unit of prayer),.. More

  • Validity of prayer behind the Murji'ah

    Praying behidn the Murji'ah is not allowed! It was narrated from Imam Muhammad bin Aslam that he said: “I heard Yazid ibn Harun say, “Whosoever is a caller/scholar of irjaa’, the prayer behind him has to be repeated.” [Al-Laalika’i 5/1067] Does this mean that that the Murjiah are disbelievers! May Allaah reward you Shaykh. .. More

  • Someone is reciting Quran loudly in the masjid

    What you should when you enter the masjid and hear someone reciting the Holy Quran loudly? .. More