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281 fatwas

  • Performing the prayer a few minutes before the time of the following one

    Sir my question is about the Qazaa Prayers sir recently i read a newspaper in which a Ulma said abt the timings of prayers in which he said a person can offer isha prayer even before the time of Fajr prayer starts means 3 mins before similar that all prayers like Magrib prayers we can offer magrib prayers before the azaan of Isha he said it is better.. More

  • The time of Maghrib prayer

    Assalamu aleikum! I would like to ask about the timing of Maghrib prayer. It is said the time for Maghrib is over after ther redness disappears from the sky. But this could be used in the places where there are no buildings and obstacles to see the sun. But how much time should be approximately taken by a person who lives in a city and doesn't see the.. More

  • Woman’s showing a little area under her chin during prayer

    As-salaam 'Alaykum Dear Scholars, For women during prayer (salat), is the little area under the chin considered as awrah and has to be covered? Or is it permissible to bare it as my hijab covers my head and neck completely but some little area under my chin is visible. Jazakallah Khayran... More

  • Sleeping before 'Ishaa and praying it after waking up before Fajr

    Assalamu alaikum, I am living in Ireland Dublin. Here the namaz timings are very much different as we have had before in our hometown. (like that we have approx 4 hrs time in between isha and fajir prayer. ) Here in mosque they are offering maghrib and isha prayers together in these days timings. So i would like to know that is it possible offer maghrib.. More

  • Having to pray in a house where a dog is kept

    Assalamu alaikum.My daughter is her praying age.Since she has Indian Board Exam in March,which will Insha Allah decide her future she goes for tuition immediately after coming from class at 4 in the evening.She goes to her friends house prays Asr there and they both go to tuition which is about 10 minutes walking distance.Tuition is from 5:30 to 7:00.. More

  • Lifting one's trousers up to the navel during prayer


  • Relying on calendars to know prayer times

    Assalamu alaikum.The Hadith of fasting is a command"fast when you sight it".Is the Hadith to know prayer timings by using stick and see shadow of sun also command?or is it just an advice?I want to know this as some people are saying since we calculate prayer timings well in advance and we are not following the Sunnah of Prophet(peace and blessings of.. More

  • Length of shadow when the time of 'Asr begins

    I want to ask about the timing of asr cos i came acroos some brothers in Nigeria, saying that, the timin of asr is determined by the one onf the noon time(forbiden time) cos, there will be no shadow during tat time, but here in our state in Nigeria there is wat we called residual shadow durin tat time, so they determine asr by adding the shadow of residual.. More

  • The true Fajr and the false Fajr

    what change happens in the nature when 'fajr ul sadiq starts.. More

  • Praying in a dirty classroom

    asalam au alaikum i have been wondering that if it is right to pray in the class room while at school . the class rooms are quite dirty to pray in and the carpets are dirty as well so i will be looking forward for an answer... More

  • Considering the spherical shape of the earth in defining the Qiblah

    salaam alaikum brothers Is the qibla direction calculated by keeping the map of the world in a flat way or seeing the location of mecca on the 'circular' globe? for example, from newyork to mecca the direction of qibla on a flat map is south east. and if we see the globe its north east. please explain which to follow. Jazak Allah.. More

  • Praying in a house where a dog lives

    My wife and daughter had adopted a little dog 2years ago and will not let go, they all attached to each other. I always have argument regarding the dog. However I do pray all the time and try to stay away from it. Keeping in mind I live in the U.S.A and my entire neighbors has dogs. After all I do not want to be abusive to the dog. What should.. More

  • Performing supererogatory prayers during the forbidden times

    Please refer to your fatwa number 91759. I married for the second time and have a stepson. My wife and my stepson both say their prayers and recite the Quran BUT I feel they do not perform the correct way and despite my repeated requests , they do not listen. Example, you should not say your prayers during sunrise or sunset, you should not pray between.. More

  • Prays Maghrib early because of his working hours

    assalamu alaikum, my question is ,I work in a europe country end at this moment MAQRIB sala begins at 5:30 PM ,my work starts at 5:25pm so I do pray at 5:00 pm as it takes aout 15 minutes to reach my company. I finish my work one hour later than sheduled isha prayer.I work three hours constantly without a break. so please tell me whether it is acceptable.. More

  • Time of Asr according to the Hanafi school

    Assalamu alaikum, After taking a shower and while putting on my pants my hand Unintentioanlly touched my private part, so i did not redo my wudu and prayed, was what I did right? Also, this is from like 3-4 months before, i prayed zuhur at like 3:20-3:25, and asr was around 3:15 according to standard time, also what is the deal with hanafi time, is.. More