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773 fatwas

  • Principles of Muslim woman's dress at home and outside

    Dear shaikh As-slam o Alaikum warehmatullahhee wabarakatohuu please help me out of this situation I am a young boy of 23 yrs Al hammadulillah I ma a born Muslim but i got hadaya later on with the grace of Allah , I very much fear from Allah I am also shy to ask that question. My question to you is regarding to the present world especially in our.. More

  • He studies in a mixed university where there is a great temptation

    Assalamu Alaikum! I'm studying in mixed campus. There is no non-mixed institutions in my country where I can study my field of specialization (But there exists other courses in some other institutions where there only male students study, but I'm not sure whether those programs would help me to find a good job.). I do not sit right next to female students.. More

  • The husband of your first wife's daughter is not a Mahram to your second wife

    Asalam alaikum My question is I have two wives and my daughter is getting married soon insha'Allah so will my son in law be able to see my second wife without hijab does she have to cover herself in front of my son in law because my daughter is from my first wife my second wife does not have any children with me so does my second wife have to cover.. More

  • The maternal uncle of the husband is not a Mahram to his wife

    salam aleikum. i have one question about mahram. i know that my husbands brothers are not my mahrams, because if i divorce him im allowed to marry his brothers, but what about my husbands uncles (his moms brothers) are they mahram for me or not?? thanks for the help. salam aleikum.. More

  • His family object to his intention to ask his wife to wear proper Hijab

    I am a religiously committed man and want to marry and wish my wife observe proper hijab (covering her face and hands) with all non mehrams including my brothers and cousins and uncles but my parents and brothers are not agree with me they think I am extremist. Please guide me what should I do in this case? I don't want to take any step against Sheria. .. More

  • Male and female medical trainees seeing each other's private parts

    Assalamualaykum. I'm a male medical student in a non-islamic country. During classes, sometimes we have to see other's awrah and expose our own awrah. For example we have to see female's private parts during examinations, practicals. And female students too, vice versa. 2 main questions - 1. Is it permissible for us to see other's awrah? 2. Is it permissible.. More

  • Women are permitted, indeed commanded, to seek knowledge

    "assalamu alikum ,my question is regarding women's education ,im 21 yrs old and im associated with tabligh, my mum is now looking a girl for me and when i put in masura with tabligh elders regarding marriage with that girl,they rejected because that girl is educated and also when i talk with tablighi guys they say dont go for educated girls they will.. More

  • A woman riding a bicycle or a horse in public

    Assalamu alaikom, I am going to visit my mother this month. I live in Egypt and she in the states. My husbands father will travel with me just to drop me off with my mother and then he will leave. Anyhow, she has suggested that we do activities like ride bicycles, horses and go for walks or running together. Of course it will be in public.. I.. More

  • She wants to travel to Egypt without Mahram before making Hijrah to Libya

    I have a question conserning making hijra. I am a revert and want to make hijra to Libië with another sister. First we want to go Egypt and stay there for a few months before going to Libië. Is that permissible because we don't have a mahram. Does the waiting periode conclude making hijra or not. Or is it impremissible because we're going to travel.. More

  • His wife works in a mixed Muslim school to contribute to the Muslim community

    ASSALAMU ALAIKKUM WARAHMATHULLAHI WABARAKATHUHU! I am a father of one kid, professionally accountant. I am working in Africa and my family not with me. My wife is a teacher and working in a mixed Muslim school in Sri Lanka. I am not interesting ladies working in mixed school and explained my concern to her. She is not stubborn, according to her, she.. More

  • Eating with a non-Mahram woman in the same plate

    Assalam u Alaikum May Allah (SWA) bless you all. I have question regarding eating from the same plate or left out of females (Gair Muharram) while eating or even drinking the same water left out by females? Hope you understand my question.. More

  • Woman going out of her home for Da`wah

    As salamualaykum, Could you please answer my question related to Dawah (calling non-muslims towards Islam). My question is: Is it obligatory on Muslim women to go out of their home for dawah purpose. Can you please explain in detail how muslim women should do dawah (please answer w.r.t married women as well as unmarried women). Please answer this in.. More

  • Did the Prophet's wives and daughters ride camels and horses alone?

    Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, Did the wives and daughters of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ride their OWN camels and horses alone? The horse and camel were the car of that why are women in Saudi not allowed to drive?.. More

  • Wants to go out with some make up without covering her face

    Assalamoalikum wa Rahmatullah, Is it permissible to wear a bit of makeup, (concealer, and comapct powder) to cover up a few pimples or small light red marks that past pimples have left n my face? I wear hiab Alhamdulillah, but not niqab, which my dad doesn't allow me to wear unfortunately..Please make du'aa that I start wearing niqab as well sincerely.. More

  • Bride and groom entering a women's hall together

    Salamualaikum Is is haram for the bride and groom to enter the wedding gathering together, even if the hall is segregated with only women (wearing full hijab)?. The groom does not normally stay long because he has to leave so he can attend his own wedding gathering, he only comes in with the bride so that other people can see him and then leaves? This.. More