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As-Salamu Alaikum,
I am a 15 year old muslim sister and I live with my kaffir mother and her boyfriend. I wear niqaab so when I'm in the house I do the same because he is not a mahram for me. However, there have been difficulties in this because I may be coming out of my bedroom and I think he is downstairs but he is really coming out from his room.. More
Assalamualikum, my friend is non muslim, in past for a job i had guided him and today by the grace of God he is doing too good. Now he wants to help me financially he wants too invest some amount every month in mutual fund and at the end of the maturity he will give the principal amount to me and he will take what ever interest has generated. this will.. More
salam. my eldest sister died in earth quake in 2005. at that time her son was 5 years old. at that time of grief my brother in law(B-I-L, my dead sister's husband) stayed at our home for a year time because of his son. our nephew is very close to my younger sister, so my B-I-L decided to keep him with us, secondly his own house was all destroyed in.. More
Assalamu aleikum! I am a student from Kazakhstan. I entered University of Malaysia. Although I had read hadeeth narrated by Bukhari that it isn't permissable to travel without mahram, I didn't realize importance of this prohibition. I just read this without understanding. I didn't know that it is haram without any exception (because it isn’t necessary.. More
As salamu Alaikum. In Senior years of High School in Australia there are camps that the school says are obligatory to attend but one can not go if they refuse. My camp is 54 km away, for 2 nights and 3 days. It is only girls but some non-muslim male teachers will also come. The camp is said to be very safe. The group is with around 210 girls, mainly.. More
Assalamu Alaikum. Please explain more about your response re Allah dislikes a woman to live alone. I divorced last year after I found out my ex-husband had been cheating on me for several years. Now I am living alone in a city without relatives nearby and my family is in another city more than 5 hours away.
Wasalaam. .. More
alsalam alykom
My wife became a muslim many years back and she is from a croation origin, she prays, fasts and she does all her obligations towards this family and me.
She is 46 years old and my daughter is 16 years old.
Now I am advising my wife and daughter to wear hijab, and they dont mind at all but they do have some hesitations towards this.. More
Assalamu a’laikoum
I have a hardware and electrical retail shop in Mauritius. I wanted to know if a woman can work in the shop.personally, my wife does not work in the shop.but, my question is for these women who need to work for their living. And if it not permissible for a muslim woman , can I employ a non-muslim woman?(woman is more available.more.. More
I just read on your website that it is forbidden for a woman to live alone. However, I live alone in my own house with my two daughters since I am divorced and have no family in this country. I don't want to go back to my native country which is in the west. Am I sinful?.. More
Assalamo alikom, i live in the UK,married to a 60 year old british convert, she works as a secretary in a mosque, masha allah she is very active in dawa work which is part of her secritarial job, she has a small office with closed door and a window, the door can be opened at any time.
i trust my wife fully but
sometimes it makes me very angry when.. More
salam aleikum.. i have one question to ask. My husband will travel away from me for about 6 months and in this time he say that i cant have any other color on my hijab but black and white. His reason for this is because he say that im very beautiful and when i have other color than theese colors he say that many men look at me. My question is. Does.. More
assalamo alaikom i wd like to knw where its permissable for a woman with full hijab and permission of her husband to earn money through teaching females only to drive ie driving instructor... More
Assalam alaikum, it can be seen in some muslim cultures (like Bosnian and Turkish), that a muslim woman walks 3 spteps behind her husband (when they are outside). Is this cultural thing only, or is it from Sunnah? Barakallahu feek... More
salam alaykum ua rahmatullah ua barakatu I would like to know if a reverted muslim woman needs a "mahram" to travel overseas to visit her non muslim family. I wish to go visit my sick mother and also wish to please Allah. Jazaka allahu khair (I'm married and have 5 kids, I live in Palestine and my mom in the USA, it's been 11 yrs I haven't seen her,.. More
I have a child in my care and she is muslam and she wears all clothing to cover her body and hair because this child is in my care does she have to wear this clothing , I have other children all girls , when all the children are swiming in the pool and having fun this girl sits at the side and does not want to go in because I am at home .My wife and.. More
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