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773 fatwas

  • Passing through full-body scanning machines at the airports

    Assalaamu alaikum, A sister is asking: This is a question in regards to airport scanning machines, the new ones are like x- ray vision and can see our body in graphic detail naked. Apparently the images are viewed in a room far away and are not in any way saved. If we do not pass through the machines then we cannot fly. whats the ruling on this Jaz.. More

  • Wants to travel alone to marry a man who proposed marriage to her

    a guy proposed to me, he is religous and i feel confident about his character and morals. The situation is that he lives in Tunisia and i live in USA. is there any possible way for me to travel to his country for the reason of marriage eventhough i dont have a mahram. My intentions are to live in this country for good with him. Please advise me what.. More

  • His mother asks him to accompany his female cousins to and from public places

    AsalamoAlikum Kindly Help me on the following situation. quite some times my female cousins come to our home. Majority of females in my famliy and among my cousins do not do proper Hijab and neither do they take care of mixing. My mother asks me to take her, my sisters , and cousins to shopping malls or some other public place. Is it allowed for me.. More

  • Her male teacher holds her hands during dental training

    Aoa, i am a 20 yr old female dental student and sometimes the male teachers hold our hands to control our shaking in the pateint's mouth while giving anesthesia and to teach us the exact direction n pressure v need to apply. Apart from dat the male teachers also hold our hand to make us do palpation of the patient properly.wat is the ruling for this?.. More

  • A woman wearing Hijab in front of her grandfather’s step brother

    Assalam wa alykum is the grand father's step brother counted as mahram? should a women cover herself completely in front of him? jazakallahukhair.. More

  • Putting LCD screens in ladies rooms in an Islamic center

    I have someone opening a new center where they will teach Islam related studies. They plan to put LCD & speaker in the rooms of women so that both men & women can see & hear the sheikh who is teaching. One of the staff objected about the LCD in the rooms for ladies saying that ladies are not allowed to see ghair-mahram men citing the hadith as proof.. More

  • A Muslim woman wearing the burkini swimsuit

    Salaamu Alaykum, Sheikh, What is the ruling over women clothing known as "burkini" a type of swimsuit designed for Muslim Females? Is it permissible in Shar'ah? Jazaak ALLAHu Khair... More

  • Wants to migrate to avoid mixed study and non-practicing family

    Asalamu aleikum wr wb dear sheikh.. Firstly am a student in a mixed collage, and to avoid fitnah i was thinkin to start niqab and stop the collage since we dont have any collage for women. A sister adviced me to wear a niqab, and I know and feel that I have to take niqab for the looks a get from men both from the class and outsite even thoughe I'm.. More

  • His sick mother asks him to massage her knees

    As Salaamu Alaykum, Shiekh My question is that can a boy who reached the age of puberty do massage to his mother from toes to knees (with oil), occasionally, my mother tells me to massage it because of pain she have in her legs, and I feel very touchy and sometimes unusual, and also that is the mother's command. Can he deny to massage his mother.. More

  • She does not find any single-sex university in which she can study

    As-salam `alaykum wa rahmat ALLAH wa barakatuh. A sister asked this, kindly help her with an advice,in sha' ALLAH "salam alaikum, Allah states: "and consult them (the believers) in the affair. then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah" 3:159 i would like advise about which career path i should take or whether i should take any at.. More

  • The presence of a housemaid is a problem for him

    AsalamoAlikum My mother has a young unmarried female worker who helps her in the home on per month payment basis. She is Non Mahram to me and given that my home is not that large it creates difficulty for me to avoid her completely if i have to move out of my room. Is it permissible for her to wash my clothes(especially those after wet dream).. More

  • Learning English in mixed gender circles

    Question Assalam u Alaikum May Allah (SWA) bless you all. I have question regarding the communication between boys and girls. Actually i am not intrusted or willing to talk with some boyz but its my compulsion to talk with them because i am learning english language and its teacher order to communicate each other we aoofen talk geral ablout our.. More

  • A woman wearing light make up when going out of her house

    if i am properly covered when i go out,but showing my face and hands, with light make up in weddings or when i have to go out somwhere where men are also present for eg eating out with my husband etc,i wear light make up for my self as needed by situation or for my husband,will that be a sin?or will that come under "what apparently appears there of".. More

  • A wife contacting her ex-husband to discuss the future of their child

    assalm alkm. im second wife to my husband ..i have one girl baby of my x husband. i want to know whether i can contact x husband and speak ..i want to ask him the money for my baby`s education and future. can i ask him. do islam allows to speak to x husband after kula or thalaq.. can we meet him just to ask money for the baby`s future....please tell.. More

  • A woman uncovering her face in front of her non-Mahram relatives

    aoa, i always used to cover my head,left my face,hands and feet uncovered,now i hav started doing face veil,my problem is that na mehram male couins and other male relatives come to my house,this is a norm here in my country,i feel very uneasy,awkward and become sad because it is impossible for me to cover my face inside my house and my uncles and grand.. More