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773 fatwas

  • She needs to migrate without a Mahram to a Muslim country

    I am a new Muslimah revert in South Pacific Ocean country. My family are not Muslim and do not have or practice any religion. I have been proposed to for marriage by a brother from Arabic country, who was introduced to me by a friend who was living there for some time. The brother and I are engaged now, and are in contact with each other by Skype.. More

  • He is in dire need to study in a mixed college

    AsalamoAlikum Respected brothers/sisters I have a very critical question with concern my education. I am in the final year of my graduation Alhamdulilah. Last year I left the college and tried to manage the course on my own. However, due to its difficulty level I realised that its very difficult for me to manage it without the help of an institue(e.g... More

  • Her supervisor asks her not to wear Hijab

    I am an employee who wears Hijaab, but one of our female supervisors asked me not to wear it as this is the order of the manager of Health Affairs. Please advise me so I can convey your answer to him.. More

  • He works in a mixed workplace

    1. The company I work for provides training courses and some, if not all, of these are and will be mixed sex courses with no separation or segregation between the men and women. If I am asked to supervise such mixed courses should I and can I refuse to supervise them? 2. As part of my new roles and responsibilities at work I am asked to advertise.. More

  • Her husband’s parents are against her wearing Niqaab

    As'salaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu, I have an odd question...maybe not odd but rather different that the norm. Info about me: -Im newly married to a Moroccan man(I am not Moroccan) for about 2 month. -Im observing Hijaab and desired to observe niqab again. (Wore it in my past when i was living in the UK) Before we got married I Skype'd.. More

  • Men participating in matches with women

    aoa wr wb, in the name of Allah the most beneficent the most merciful. i play a sports for which i joined a league. now in that league i have matches against the opposite gender. i am confused for either to go for those matches or not to. i feel islam prohibits me for that but at the same time also the feeling that its just a match. same like some female.. More

  • Wearing Hijab in hot weather affects her health seriously

    I am very frightened about my neurological illness. In Bosnia I lost most of the use of my right side. I have been battling these worsening symptoms for 5 years. I am also having problems with my eyesight. I don’t feel courageous at all right now. The neurological attack I had in Bosnia came after Jummah Prayers. It was very hot and I was covered.. More

  • Responsibility of the guardians of the woman who does not wear Hijab

    Assalam-o-alaikum, My question will be, i have heard that four people including husband, father. brother, and son of a women who do not offer hijab will be punished. Can you pls guide me with the reference if there is such hadith. I would like to have complete reference of the hadith book in this regard. Jazak Allah Khairan .. More

  • Claiming that women's earnings are unlawful

    Dear Brother Assalamulaikum, Recently one of the Islamic institute issued a fatwa , that women's earning ( Halaal money earn by women are not acceptabe . it is haram) is it correct . Please explain in light of Qur'an & Hadeeth JazakAllah bil Khair Br. K.P.Mohamed.. More

  • A Muslim husband leaving his wife with his Muslim friend's family

    Assalamou alaykoum, Please helps us, Can my husband let me with their Muslim family friend in their house during his absence (2-3 days), is it Halal in Sharia or no?, we are living in USA, I don't have family in this country , no children at my home. my husband said me that he feels is Haram but I don't believe , please clear this matter for us Jazakoum.. More

  • His sister lives in UK alone and sends him money to help him

    Assalamu Alykum My sister lives in UK (without mahram with her) and use to work in KFC (Serving Halaal food). The KFC administration requires from its workers to abide by their Dress Code which is not according to Islamic Shariya. My sister send me some money earned in KFC. Is it permissible for me to use this money while I know she earned them while.. More

  • 'And women of post-menstrual age who have no desire for marriage....'

    Asalamualaikum...i came across this Surat (AL-Nur-verse 60 "Such elderly women As are past the prospect of marriage,- there is no blame on them if They Lay aside their (outer) garments, provided They make not a wanton display of their beauty: but it is best for them to be modest: and Allah is one who sees and knows all things".Can u kindly explain what.. More

  • Her husband talks to his ex-wife in private

    My husband was divorced four years ago and has children from that marriage. When he talks to his ex-wife, he goes out of the room that we are in, and talks to her in private. Is this permissible in Islam... More

  • A woman taking off her Hijab in front of her grandmother's brother

    Salaam Alaikum, Is it Permissable to not wear the hijab in front of.... my grandma's brother (My dad's mom) from my dad's side and my mom's sisters' husband who is probably in the 60's+ range in age?? Do I have to wear hijab in front of them? Jazak'Allah khair. .. More

  • She wants to leave her work in adult medicine to avoid mixing with men

    Assalaamu alaikum, I am a female doctor, recently started practicing Islam, although I had inherited belief, however weak by ancestry. I am working in adult general medicine which means i have contact with non-mahram male patients, as well as females. I work in a non-muslim country and recently am very concerned whether my contact with non-mahram patients.. More