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I seek your advice concerning a complicated situation. If a girl met an honest man and exchanged some emails with him in which he expressed that he is fond of her and that he is willing to continue his life with her. She was in an unenviable whether to tell her family that she fall in love with a man from outside the family or to continue with the man.. More
Me and my younger blood brother r involved in a business as equal partners,due to his wrong decisions v incurred heavy losses and now v r in huge debts,inspite of that he blames me and feel jealous of me. How to deal with this brother.
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I kindly Ask you to answear my question as a whole family depensds on finding this problem out. Almost 30 years ago a sister married against her fathers will. The reason was that the brother she wanted to marry had been breastfed by her mother more than five times, as she used to babysit him. However, her father had no witness for this statement, as.. More
Al Salam Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu!I've read in a whole lot of places that children born out of wedlock should not be attributed to their father, although some opinions may differ. I, however, grew up with both of my parents, who are, by the way, non-muslim. I reverted to Islam a couple of years ago. When my mom got pregnant, they were not.. More
Salam aleikum I need advice with something .My husband parents and relatives are not practising and for that i dont like when he send pic or videos of our children to them bcz they never say allahumma barik or mention Allahs name and 3 of my husband uncles even made my children pic on Facebook which im totally against. I dont want to risk that my children.. More
Is it backbiting if I complain to my mother than I feel that my brother is making Hasad on me? And if I tell her that I feel he is to nosey and tries to find out what I do too much
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There are many videos in the internet,which shows beautiful girls being gagged and tied up and kidnapped, and I have read that the west use these tactics to arouse sexual desires.They also do such acts in real life,for sexual pleasure.Many youths are addicted to these videos and cannot leave them,and also they cannot marry.Day by day their sexual desires.. More
As salaamu alaikum. My father remarried about 3 years ago to a Christian woman. I have zero ideas if he married her Islamically. I am only aware that he married her through the court here in USA. I live with his family, while he and his "wife" lives about 30 minutes away. He recently said that he and his wife may be staying at our place this coming.. More
I send you this question because I searched everywhere I did not find the answer on this case. Here is the case: the woman committed adultery by having separated from her husband for 6 months. She wanted to return to her husband and took a pill that aims to block or delay ovulation but also to prevent implantation. She took it to be sure she was not.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have asked you a question on taking help from homosexuals for common human rights in the West, where homosexuality is allowed. You said that it is generally allowed to take help from them in the causes which benifit the Muslim community. I have another question: A year ago there was an attack on a homosexual club. This attack is.. More
A Muslim said that he has homosexual urges but knows that that is wrong and fights against it; is he allowed to pray with the men, or must he pray separately, just as how men and women cannot pray together? May Allah reward you.
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Assalaamu alaykum. I am a 37-year-old man who has been married for 6 years, and I am the father of a 2-year-old girl. I have always felt an attraction towards men, of which I had informed my wife before our marriage, but I always, praise be to Allah, managed to fight this through prayer. During a 6-month-trip for an internship abroad, I yielded to this.. More
Assalaamu alaykum, Scholar. As a little kid, I commited homosexual acts, but I do not remember how many times I did it. I know that it started at the age of seven, more or less, but I stopped after that. I started again a couple of months later. When I turned 14, I stopped in januray, but I forgot when I started; I think it was when I was almost. I.. More
Is attraction to a race forbidden or permissible in Islam?
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Hello, my wife and I are non-Muslim. We are very kind, so we help all poor people. One day, we invited an old Islamic beggar to live with us. Then, two or three years later. I got a job abroad and worked there for five or six years. When I came back later, I discovered that my wife had been living with that man as a family and had become a mother. What.. More
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