What is the sharia ruling on seeking medical treatment through crystal stones? Is it lawful to use them, or it is considered a type of shirk (polytheism)?
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Assalaamu alaykum. A psychiatrist treats a homosexual through arousing his normal sexual tendency via audio-visual stimuli, such as by displaying films that arouse his sexual desire towards women. Then after reaching satisfactory results that highlight the possibility of a successful marriage, the patient will be urged to repent of committing homosexuality.. More
Is it permissible for a married couple to watch porn films, as one of them suffers sexual tepidity and does not become sexually aroused except by watching such things?
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I am a Muslim woman but I do not feel that I am a female. Rather, I internally feel that I am a man. I had a previous marriage which ended with divorce. I was feeling like a man who was cohabiting with another man. Doctors, however, assert that I have a natural female genital tract. Is it permissible for me in the sharia to undergo a sex reassignment.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. May the peace and blessings of Allaah, the Exalted, be on all of of you. I wanted to ask about an issue that has been bothering me. I used to listen to music due to some problems related to depression.I had some OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) problem and a faith crisis. I am doing a lot better now, Maa Shaa Allaah (as Allaah.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Does Islam ban humans from making artificial organs? It is impossible for humans to make better organs than Allaah, right? Please provide references.
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I performed Ghusl (ritual shower) and think that I remember washing under my arms and everywhere else. I also faintly remember putting on deodorant after finishing. The next morning, I started getting whispers as to whether I washed the armpit because there was deodorant on it. I did not get this whisper until after I prayed the Thuhr, ‘Asr, Maghrib,.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Is it true that there is a hadith that says that the supplication of one who smokes is not accepted? If so, then please give it so that my friend can forward it to her husband.
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Assalaamu alaykum. A few days ago, I found some wetness in my trouser as I woke up. I saw it on the backside of my trousers and did not check the rest of them. Since it was at the back, I neglected it. However, I fear that it could have been urine, as incontinence may occur sometimeswhile one is sleeping. I am very worried. Please help.
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Once, when I was young, (I think) that I was reading in the Quran class while my mother was by herself at home, so she somehow got me to go back home (by phone call, I think). Basically, before I came home, my next-door neighbor (a man) approached my mother, I think he said things like, 'I like you,' to my mother. I do not know if he tried to physicallytouch.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I recentlyfound out that you must not press your lips hard during ablution since if your lips are left dry your ablution is invalid. I think that I have been doing that, but I did not know this fact. Do I have to repeat my prayers? Also please suggest some solution because I suffer from severe Waswaas (obsessive whispers)during ablution.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I suffer from Waswasah (obsessive doubts), and it is making my life miserable. I read a fatwa of yours that says that water is pure unless its color, smell, or taste has changed. What if a drop of water goes over an invisible impurity and then falls on your clothes or the floor. Will this drop be pure if its color, smell, or taste.. More
Recently, I have become a committed Muslim who prays five times a day and tries hard to avoid sins. I live in the West, and my question relates to my parents. My parents also pray five times a day, but my dad suffers from insomnia and due to his medication sometimes misses the Fajr prayer. I want to know if they committed Kufr (disbelief) verbally (I.. More