I am a convert, and I have an old desk in my roomat which I used to eat when I was a kafir (disbeliever). I used to eat haram meat, and I am 100% sure that it must have fallen on the desk many times and was only wiped with a wet cloth (I do not know how many times this happened) and was not wiped with a dry one afterwards. Its surface is not smooth,.. More
I made the premature and ignorant decision to have an abortion. I am so disgusted with myself that I cannot even stomach food. Both my husband and myself made the stupid decision. The fetus was aborted around 40-45 days. I took a medication that killed the fetus before it came out. Then a few days later I took a different medication that passed the.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to ask whether joking in the following way equals making fun of islam. If I were to relate to my friends of my past experience at a hospital where I was afraid of a needle and tell them that when the nurse brought a syringe to give me an injection, I started to pronounce, I testify that nothing is worthy of worship but.. More
Is waswaas (devilish whisperings) necessarily always deen-related? I think that I am suffering from waswaas about cuss words. I think of cuss words all the time now, even regarding people whom I really care about like my parents and siblings and friends. I feel guilty because I am now saying them out loud due to frustration from having these thoughts... More
Assalaamu alaykum. I had a biopsy on my right breast and they found a lesion. The doctor said that with this kind of lesion, they sometimesfind cancer around it but will not know about this until it is checked after the surgery. I was told that it should be removed because of my health history. My concern is that if it is removed and turns out to be.. More
I think that I have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). I have a hard time doing ablution and prayer. It takes me so many minutes to perform ablution. Sometimes, it takes so long to perform my prayer. I also have gas problems, which particularly happens during the prayer times, although I have it at other times too, but not like the prayer time. I.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. My question is: if a woman is in wedlock with a man who is on life support, such as a ventilator, is it alright for her to remarry another man? May Allaah reward you.
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I have just been given an inhaler in the hospital to treat asthma, but from reading its leaflet, I understood that it contains ethanol, which is a form of alcohol. Can I use it?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I reside in a country where when hospitals are visited for treatment, there are many non-Muslim nurses and staff there. And among the Muslims there are those from innovated sectsat times, and they do not act rightly, and its risky even to get treated by them at times, and Allaah, The Exalted, knows.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. My question relates to a childbirth preparation program known as hypnobabies. It uses self-hypnosis to relax the mother in birth so that she is less afraid and more relaxed and handles the pain of birth much better. It often makes labor faster as well. While there are drugs and epidurals to numb the pain of labor, those are not without.. More
My wife, who is 52 years old, suffers from a chronic renal failure and has been told by a kidney specialist that she will need a dialysis or kidney transplant within approximatively one year. I am 58 years old and have put myself forward for a kidney donation, but unfortunately blood tests came back showing that my wife and I are incompatible with each.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. My question is regarding cheating in an exam. I read your fatwas on this matter, but I just wanted to get a personal response. I hope that is okay as I suffer from OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). Things bother me a lot. The situation in my educational institute is very bad; almost every student cheats, and teachers help some.. More
We are a nutraceuticals producer in Bangladesh. We produce propolis tincture. We have to use alcohol as the solvent. The problem is that we could not find any good solvent like alcohol yet. This tincture contains 70% (percent) of alcohol. The dose is only five drops per day (must be diluted with water). Its does not taste good and it gets sticky when.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. My husband and I haven been trying to have a baby for almost a year. Is it permissible to take Clomid 10 mg from the fertility doctor? This medication helps women ovulate. I do not ovulate normally. Thank you,
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A friend and I were walking home after the Fajr prayer and he related that he saw a dream in which an already dead friend told him that he was going to take him with him. He said that he was afraid of dying the whole day. He was talking about punishments and said that we had no hope. He also said that he prayed out of fear. Now, if I laughed, I do not.. More