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3194 fatwas

  • Giving a Muslim a knife as a gift

    May a Muslim give a knife for a Muslim like a present?.. More

  • Managing endowment assets

    How to manage Waqf assets?.. More

  • Taking Gifts Back Is Not Permissible

    Someone promised me to return some amount which I spent on him. He is in earning and living well, but he refuses to return the money. I became angry and I said "Okey, I give you this amount as Sadaqa from my children" Will this be considered as Sadaqa, or, after some time, if he return, the amount, can I use this or give it to someone else as Saqada?.. More

  • Asking that gifts be returned after dissolving a relationship

    Is there a ruling in Islaam that gives a person the right to claim back goods/money that was given out as present/gift after a fallout. .. More

  • Invoking the curse of Allaah

    I want to known detail about Mubaahala if two friends working together as partner in business. Later among them some problem occurs now they can to Mubaahala among them. One of my friend said that we can only do for Islaam activities not any other world things. Is it right? Send me detailed answer with Qur'aan and Hadeeth base... More

  • Dispute about the arbitrator's decision

    "A" and "B" were partners in a business as per an agreement that suggests to divide the profit and loss equally between them after deducting a portion of their sponsor under whose commercial registration the business was running. Meanwhile "A" desired to withdraw from the business, because he wanted to increase the portion of the sponsor according.. More

  • Found a watch in the street

    I have found a watch in the street is it Halaal or Haraam to take it?.. More

  • Working on a questionable project

    I work in a project where our company give mobile services to customers. Roaming customers who spend more duration in using mobile will be given some tickets. The more the customer spends time while making calls he will get more tickets. After a scheduled date a draw will be done and the person who is selected in the draw will receive a big prize.(say.. More

  • Purchase agreement based upon interest

    If I purchase an item, on interest-free for three years but have to pay interest after that and know that I can pay it off in less than a year. Is such transaction permissible?.. More

  • Selling timeshares

    I would like to know if selling timeshare is Halaal or Haraam here's how we sell it. Our company invites people to see our presentation and we give them discounted tickets to the theme parks as incentives to come and see our presentation. We show them the model of the condo and the property then we show them the price. We tell them that.. More

  • Forex transactions for Muslims

    My question is about on Online Forex Trading. My question is as follow with a little introduction on Forex. "Forex, or Foreign Exchange, is the simultaneous exchange of one country’s currency for that of another. We provide foreign exchange for the purpose of investor speculation. The investor wishes to purchase or sell one currency for another.. More

  • Purchasing with interest free time limit

    My question is concerns some shop here in Australia. Sometimes here in Australia shops offer to buy a product with for example 3 years interest free. After the 3 years and if the customer did not pay the full price an interest will apply for the remaining of the prise. Is that Ribaa? .. More

  • Buying on the Easy Home Policy in Pakistan

    I know that banking business is un-Islamic due to Ribaa. However, recently there is a new bank in our country called Al-Meezan Bank. They claim it to be on Islamic lines. They have an Easy Home Policy. In this policy, if you buy a property of let's say of Rs.10,00,000 and they contribute approx. Rs.8,00,000. They become your partner in that house... More

  • Halal banking in UK

    I have two questions: One, does 'Halal Banking' exist in the United Kingdom that is within the Shariah?.. More

  • Raises funds and gives chances for raffle drawing

    I am a Muslim convert from Christianity. I joined a charitable non-religious organization that needs funding for the needy especially for sick children, street children and homeless people. Now we have a project in which whoever makes donations, gifts or offerings will have a chance to win a prize in a raffle draw. Tickets are given free as long.. More