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3194 fatwas

  • A resident physician made a mistake in treating a patient

    I am a junior doctor doing my residency in cardiology. I attended a patient of heart attack. He had a similar history of chest pain as few days are. There is an injection that we give a patient within 12 hours of his chest pain. A colleague convinced me that it was an old pain and that an injection was not to be given. I agreed with him because.. More

  • Home purchasing in the US

    I am considering to purchase a house in the US. Since it is impossible for me to have $250,000 in cash to buy the house, I only have three options, listed below, that require your guidance. Option-1: I can take a conventional "home mortgage" bank loan to buy the house. The problem is, it involves interest "Riba" to be paid for the life of the.. More

  • Depositing money to use interest for a good cause

    Is it permissible with intention to keep deposit money in bank, the interest money be paid to near relatives who are poor like uncles, aunts. (The intention is to get interest money that will help poor relatives). Is it permissible, please clarify. .. More

  • A broker guarantees profits

    The forex market is equated to gambling (people might win or lose money) but I have found a broker who is guaranteeing profits. If he goes into loss, he will simply return my money. The profits that I get are calculated on the amount of investments I make, not the profits that he makes. Is it Halal? .. More

  • Works for restaurant and concerned about products sold there

    I am an American Egyptian who studies in Egypt and works during the summer in America to earn my own money and make a living. An Egyptian businessman in New York City offered me a job in his restaurant which sells pizza which has chicken, beef and turkey toppings. He doesn't know how these animals are slaughtered. I wrote to the company that sells.. More

  • Selling credit cards

    My son is an employed to canvass and sell credit cards. Is this Haram? Will it be OK for him to continue the job if he tells the Muslim customers that after a fixed period of time the credit will be subject to an additional charge of interest?.. More

  • Salary paid from sale of alcohol, wants picture of Pharaoh's body

    I am young Muslim from Ilorin Kwara State/ Nigeria. 1. Can I accept money given to me by someone selling Alcohol as monthly salary? Forteaching his childrenArabic/Islamic Studies. 2. You please send me the picture of Pharaoh's dead body if you have any way of doing so... More

  • Wants to buy a used car on loan with interest

    I am a revert sister. I am a single parent due to my ex-husband leaving me when I was 6 months pregnant. I work full-time to support me and my son. I originally came from Leicester. I moved to London when I got married. My mother died 27 years ago and my father is a Hindu and does not accept me as a Muslim. I do not have many contacts in London.. More

  • Check cashing transactions

    Check cashing business is a common business in USA which consists of several types of transactions. Two of them are as follows: - A customer comes with a check which the funds are available in the bank right away. The business then gives him the same amount in cash minus 2%. - A customer comes with a check but the funds won't be available until.. More

  • Inheritance of a childless man with other survivors

    I am a childless man. I understand that in case of my demise my wife gets fourth of my inheritance and the rest is divided among my brother's sons and my parents if they are alive. To what ratio is my parents and my brother entitled? My brother has separated from us, in a way disowned us and does not keep in touch. Is he and his sons still entitled.. More

  • Selling crosses to Christians in her jewellery store

    I own a jewelry store and I have Christian customers who ask for crosses. I stopped selling them years ago because I was told it was Haram. I am wondering if this is true, and if it is why I can't sell them. I don't make the jewelry. I buy and sell so they are not being made by me other people send it to me; from other countries. Please let.. More

  • Inheriting from the grandfather

    My brother and my sister died before my father. Could their children inherit from my father? .. More

  • Wants to sue the doctor for his son's disabilities

    I have a son who is 3 years old. When he was born the doctor made a medical mistake resulting in my son becoming disabled and cannot walk or talk. Is it Halal or Haram to sue this doctor in court and ask for compensation? I know that I probably will not get any thing in the end, but every time I look at my son I feel I want to hurt the man who did.. More

  • Buying a car through a non-Islamic bank

    My question is: I want to buy a car, but I want to pay for the car by monthly installments. The car is Volkswagen Golf. I hear from the Ulama that it is not Haram if you buy a car like that. The company works together with a bank, but it is not a normal bank; the name of the bank is: Volkswagen bank. They use this bank to make it possible for the.. More

  • His business partner took a loan with interest

    I am Moroccan and I started doing business with a Muslim from an African country. We decided to build a partnership in order to sell some products abroad. He asked me to send him my part of money and after selling products I'll receive 40% of the gain. After we finished the transaction I discovered that he took a credit from a bank with interest to.. More