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3194 fatwas

  • Investment fund and its profits

    We have a provident fund scheme at our office in which our contributions and employer’s contribution are collected. Is this investment fund and profit Halal if the investment of fund is made in defense saving certificates of govt. of Pakistan and in Faisal Islamic bank?.. More

  • Dealings at the work place

    I've been working in a shop for 3 years, so I had a lot of contacts with some Arabs and some customers from the Middle East, and because I am the only one who speaks Arabic in the pharmacy they come to me for some help or if they want to buy something. The owner sold the pharmacy and the new owner asked me to stay with her. I am the manager now and.. More

  • Renting land for cultivation

    I want to know whether it is permissible for the owner of the land to rent his agricultural land to another person for cultivation and in turn the owner gets a fixed amount of produce and money on annual basis as per the contract from that person... More

  • Dealing with the one who involves in Riba

    Is it completely Haram to work in the banks? I investigated this a lot of times but somehow I find it difficult as I feel more or less all the salaries of different companies may be coming from the interest as they must have invested money so why is it said that it is Haram to work in banks even though the person is not taking interest he is getting.. More

  • Avoid indulging in sinful transactions

    I live in the U.S. for a long time. The last two years I worked as a mortgage broker where I help people refinance their homes and consolidate their debts and lower their monthly payments. I also get them approved for home purchases. The way I get paid is by charging my customer a fee for the service I provide and sometimes I get a percentage from the.. More

  • Teaching or learning Riba transactions

    Is it permissible for a Muslim, who is Lecturer/Professor of economics, to teach interest related theories/topics etc. (which are part of the Syllabus) to the students?.. More

  • Seeking lawful investments in Japan

    Since I live in Japan and where one can hardly find those kind places I was hoping that you could give me some leads for the lawful fields where I can invest my money and get profit without indulging in Haram, could you?.. More

  • Leasing without interest

    Tell me about leasing and where I can go for leasing without interest specifically in Qatar... More

  • Effect of interest on national economy

    Does interest has an effect on the national economy? .. More

  • Things bought by Haram money

    My mother was working in a Haram work. So, her money is Haram. Now, the problem is that from this money she bought lot of things for the house. For example, she bought a bed for my father and a washing clothes machine. Now, I'm saying to myself if my father doesn't sleep on this bed he won't be able to go to work. The same thing for washing machine.. More

  • Returning unsold items to the supplier

    Our Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said don't combine two transactions into one. Does this include asking the supplier to pack the customers goods and sent it as well. I read that sheikh Ibn Uthaimeen (May Allah forgive him) said that stipulating a condition to return unsold items to the supplier is not valid. Please forgive me for any mistakes.. More

  • His company has questionable business practices

    I am working in a company from two and half months. They produce PVC pipes but recently I came to know that some times they are printing another company's name on their products and selling them in names of foreign companies. I am working as a sales coordinator. Please reply. Is my income is Halal? Should I continue with this company? I am on a.. More

  • Profit Percentage Versus Salary

    Two persons started a business were each one of them paid an equal amount of money and is getting 50% of the profit however only one of them physically work at place and he gets in return a weekly salary is this Halal or should he get a higher percentage instead. .. More

  • Commission is lawful provided operation is lawful

    On behalf of a brother I ask your Fatwa of what he told me, as follows: I live in the USA. Some lady in West African, I do not know, sent to my e-mail that he wants me to provide him with my bank account to transfer amount of money. She told me that she inherited this money from her husband whom was poisoned by his associates who were trading the coco... More

  • Needs a bank loan to pay for the marriage of his sister

    I need to pay for the marriage of my sister, I am on the job. Can I get a bank loan?.. More