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3194 fatwas

  • Taking Customers to Bars Is Unlawful

    I am a taxi driver and I get some customers going to bars and most of them if is not all will drink do I have to pick them up or is it Haram? .. More

  • Working as a Tourist guide

    My job is tour guide is the commission that I get when I take the tourists to the shops Halal?.. More

  • Difference between investing in insurance companies and depositing at home

    I have read one of your selected Fatwa and to tell the truth I thought that I need more specification about it. Which about Life Insurance. You explain that because its a kind of risk and also you say because if one brother pays 10 years and the other one pays 20 years but they still get the same amount at the end. However, I am looking into it as a.. More

  • Take the interest but do not profit from it

    I would like to enquire concerning Riba (interest). Which is the best option No.1) to take it from bank and give it away to Muslim charity without expecting reward, so it least its being benefit to Muslim's instead of Kuffar using it against Muslims. Or No.2) not to take it at all by telling the bank not to credit my account with interest... More

  • There is no minor Riba

    In order to finance my studies I have - in order to fundamentally sustain myself - to take a student loan. No I know, of course, that Riba is Haram. But I also know this is to protect the Muslims against themselves, and in order to prevent Muslims form exploiting each other. Now this student loan - taken here from a government agency in the Netherlands.. More

  • Medical Insurance in Islam

    My employer sets a side a specific amount of money for each employee to purchase their own selves a medical insurance which will suite their need. I understand medical insurance is not Islamically legal. My question is: will I be able to make a fake invoice that shows I have medical insurance to get my share from the company? Please note the following:.. More

  • Beware of Riba it is a dangerous sin

    Here in United States its almost impossible for a student to enter medical school without taking loans (with low interests) unless the student belongs to a very wealthy family. How is it possible for us Muslims to gain the best of education without taking such an awful rout, considering the fact our Ummah are in need for doctors? .. More

  • Repentance and firm resolution to give Riba up are the solution

    I took a car by taking a loan from the bank as we were in need of it very much, my company will pay all the interest over for four years, as I understand that the interest is Riba and is Haram. If I pay each and every penny I am receiving as interest to help the poor and the needy; is my salary/income still Haram and am I still committing a sin. How.. More

  • Pay the debt to its creditor

    Long time ago I was student in the USA and at that time I had credit card that I used and when I left the state I had not pay the money that on my credit card account. Recently, I tried to contact the credit card company to pay off the money that was in my account but they told me that they have sold my debit to another company that will collect the.. More

  • Can a Muslim man model?

    Can a Muslim man model or not? I say no because after all he's a man, and modeling is more of a female job. But I can't give any proof because I lack knowledge. Can you help me please?.. More

  • Inheritance for a daughter

    I have a bit of a problem, which I need to get solved within the Islamic Shariah terms and law. My wife's father died 7 years ago in 1996. He left them a great deal of land, properties, shops, houses, etc. With this the household gets a large amount of rent which they spend on themselves. My wife has 4 brothers and her mother who take this money... More

  • Doubts about Islamic Banks

    I would like to know about the loans from banks, Islamic bank says it is not interest but thier banking system is similar to other banks what is your opinion regarding this query? .. More

  • Doubtful employment

    Please I would like to ask you about my work. I work in a public establishment. All my work is ok but sometimes my boss tells me to do some work that I don't know if its Halal or Haram, like receiving a committee from the world bank that comes to see land in order to make a project on it. Or, for example, to try to help a company that is going bankrupt.. More

  • Trade and business conditions and prerequisites

    Tell me about in detail the Islamic business and trade. Not even one aspect is to be left. .. More

  • Downloading copies of personal software

    Is it proper to download copies of software for personal use from sites, which provide keys without purchasing from software owners? Please respond in light of Qur'an and Ahadith... More