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3196 fatwas

  • Father Bought a House with Riba-Based Loan

    Assalam u Alaikum wa Rahmatullah hi Wa Baraktuhu.My question is regarding riba and its further consequences. If ones father has purchased a house and taken a mortage for x amount of money for a 12 year period approximately and on that there is a 2.7 percent cost of borrowing or interest rate as is supposedly written on the monthly bank statement bills.. More

  • Salary of Hostess Is Forbidden

    What about ruling on income of an airhostess,Can it be acceptable in the path of ALLAH.I mean that Can she pay zakat or do udhiyyah or do umrah,hajj with such an income because her job violates principles of Islam and the Hadeeth in which the Prophet (blessings and peace of ALLAH be upon him) said: “O people, ALLAH is Good and He, therefore, accepts.. More

  • Used Copyrighted Materials and Stole Things in the Past

    Asalamu Aleikom! The category I am going to ask about has to do with Copyright. I have been using copyrighted content, pictures and material. Some for personal use and other in public such as profile pictures and copying texts etc and posting it. Some of it was hadiths and content from muslim apps and websites but some of it was non islamic . All of.. More

  • Sold a Car He Did Not Own

    Assalamu alaykum sheikh,I and my father went to a store to buy a vehicle. The store owner sold us a vehicle and took money from us and gave us a receipt and told us that he would deliver the vehicle to us within few days. After coming home(vehicle was not delivered to me yet but we had made the payment and taken a receipt from him) i realised that he.. More

  • Being Forced To Unjustly Take a Muslim’s Property

    Assalamu alaikum.If one fears great harm , can one wrong somebody? For example, if one works under a unjust ruler and he orders him to go take somones land unjustly otherwise he will impriosj him or kill him. So can one wrong others in this case?Or the basic principle is that if the harm caused to others is greater than the harm which may come to a.. More

  • Working in Investment Banking

    is working in investment banking is halal their work is related to merger and acquisition, manage client portfolio, act as a intermediate between compony and commercial bank (they advice bank to issue Loan to compony or not they also help compony in issue a share .. More

  • You Get Rid of the Surplus Amount of Profit Only

    Assalamu AlaykumI live in a western country whereby it is compulsory by law for working people to set aside a percentage of their earnings in a 'superannuation' fund, only accessible upon retirement. The companies managing these funds invest in different sectors, some halal and others not (eg tobacco)When I first started working, a small amount of money.. More

  • Giving Taxes in a Non-Muslim Country

    I am from India and willing to start a business, I want to know about the giving taxes in a non muslim country where the government also uses it to construct temples, wastes it on extravagance, corruption, idle leisure and other haraam things. Variety of Taxes are imposed such as goods and service tax(0-28% on invoice value), income tax up to 25% on.. More

  • Buying Cracked Courses With Copyrights

    Salam AlaykoumI want to ask you please what the ruling of Islam for someone who buy cracked courses online. These courses are so expensive sometimes and of course protected by copyrights by their owners.But there is a website who crack them and sell them. I know selling cracked or pirated courses including videos,PDFs,eBooks or whatever is Haram and.. More

  • Buying a Land Included in Inheritance

    Assalamu alaykumI live in a non muslim country and non muslims do not divide inheritance according the rulings of shareeah so they might give share to the male and not to the female. Even Muslims here do not divide inheritance according to shareeah they might give inheritance to males and deprive females. If a person wants to buy a piece of land which.. More

  • Commission for Working as a Job Recruiter

    Assalamualaikum,I want to know if my job is halal. I am a recruiter. My job is to find candidates looking for a job/change and qualify them, and then find a client who is hiring people and to connect the two. Sometimes I find currently employed individuals and try to get them to change jobs, or seeing if they're interested in changing a job by offering.. More

  • Displaying Goods on Site and Being a Mediator between Supplier and Customer

    السلام عليكم رحمة الله وبركاتهRegarding drop shipping , according to the fatwa 276988 and 161689 you said that it is permissible if I were the mediator/broker. However it weren't specified how can i be the mediator properly so here is my question. for it to be halal which of these scenarios is/are acceptable :1- writing in.. More

  • Working as a Representative in a Gas Production company

    Salam alaykum shaykh. I have one question.I work in Bosnia as sales representative in company that produce and sale gases. Some of our customers are companies that produce weapons and arm equipment. I do not know for what they use our gases, maybe maintenance of their own equipment or in direct process of production, I do not know in which purpose... More

  • Disbursing Usury Money

    Assalamu alaykum,I normally separate usury money from my halal money in the riba based bank I am operating. On what can I disburse the usury money Islamically? .. More

  • Winning the Bid by Bribing

    Salam Aliakum I run a scrap business which means that I buy and sell waste metals from mostly construction factories. I buy the waste of the steel or aluminium that is left after use. So the companies do not give much priority to the scrap as it is considered waste. The money obtained by selling scraps in these companies are used in two ways: 1 It is.. More