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3194 fatwas

  • Inheritance for One Child

    Assalaamu ‘Alaykum; Please calculate the inheritance according to the following information -Does the deceased have male relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A son) Number 1 - The will which the deceased left behind and that is related to his inheritance is: Daughter - Additional information : Execute .. More

  • Returning the Product After Sale is Concluded

    if i sell on ebay, am i allowed to refuse to accept items to be returned back to me for a refund, especially that i'm selling online to people whom i don't know if i can trust? there is an option on ebay where i can select that i will not accept returns .. More

  • Found a Borrowed Book and Pen

    Assalamu'alaykum. I have questions regarding borrowing items. I found book that I am certain is not mine in my shelf at home. I thought I borrowed it from my middle high school. But when I tried to return it, one of the school guardian (he knows many things about the school) said it was not theirs (but I am not sure if he is telling the truth, he might've.. More

  • Gifting a Property to Some of the Heirs

    My Father using Hiba gifted his land to my mother and my brother .My mother was scared because he was being treated for cancer that he can die and she will not be left by anything and also my mother did not wanted my father property to be inheriated by me according to Islamic law if he passes away.My father has one boy and one daughter as his Heirs.Hiba.. More

  • Benefiting from Gifts Allocated to Customers

    I am very sorry to send a question regarding this matter again since I cannot find my answer. I understand that bribery and gifts that are given to employee without the employer's permission is haram. But my question is not about that. In my case, my father acts as an employee and his employer gave him items (not for himself) to be given to my father's.. More

  • Higher Profit Shares Among Partners

    assalamu alaykum. suppose we 10 friends do a partnership business, but as dividing the profit in exact proportion is tough, so we make an agreement that if anyone get something more or less nobody will mind. is this OK? .. More

  • Riba related jobs

    I'm mandatory trainee at a CA office for completing my course for three years, which I'll reach after a one hour train trip, total trip timing may 1.5 hrs, I joined this far because of the office has no bank audit, other near by offices has it. Still there during making of financial statements, I've to do calculation of interest to partners, as well.. More

  • Consuming money given by maid Service Company

    AsslamualaikumA very critical question.I have a helper.who gets hourly paid.She is a student and busy most of the time.i ask her help in cleaning,child minding organization pays her.payment arrives in my account every month.this payment depends on how many hours she 32hours are paid.the helper hardly completes her hours.but still.. More

  • Investing With a Partner in Real Estate

    Dear BotherAssalam alaykumMy nephew wants to invest properties in UK –and will have mortgage from bank He suggest to me to send money for investment (100k) to buy a flat .For three years suppose the rent will be 600 GBP , I will get only 500 and he will have only 100.After three years , he will sell the house and I will get my 100k bank , but any.. More

  • Travel Ticket through an Insurance Company

    Assalamwalaikum, My company has provided medical insurance as part of the benefits under my employment contract. Recently, my mother passed away and i had to travel on emergency to my home country from Qatar. I have been informed that the medical insurance covers expenses for travel (tickets) to home country during emergency. My question is whether.. More

  • Not Abiding by the Contract’s Conditions

    Assalamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu. Could you let me know what is the Islamic guideline on the balance between forgiveness and justice in a Business context, please?I work at a for-profit organization. Suppliers and business partners sometimes do not meet their commitment(for example do not deliver on agreed timelines), even when the.. More

  • Benefiting from prohibited Earnings

    Assalam-Aleykoom, I'm currently working at QNB (a non-islamic bank) and I found a way to switch away from working there. The job I am planning to switch to is inshalla halal, but the problem is to start up this new work I need to buy equipment, but the money that will be spent on it will come from the money I made at QNB. I fear the money I made from.. More

  • Auditing Accounts of Riba-based Banks

    In islam, is it permissible to work in an accounting firm where some clients are engaged in haraam business activities? .. More

  • Working as a Tax Consultant

    salam. can i work as a tax consultant for people who have haram/mixed income? if so, shall i reduce their tax if the tax is of prohibited type? .. More

  • Inheritance of One Son Only

    Assalaamu ‘Alaykum; Please calculate the inheritance according to the following information -Does the deceased have male relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A son) Number 1 - The Information about the missing relatives of the deceased are : 0638202727. Son of the deceased. Brother did not want to give me my share of dad's assets. Brother took.. More