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3194 fatwas

  • Doing personal work in free time during working hours

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have come to know that if we have finished our work and still have free time, it is permissible to do our personal activities, and we are entitled to the salary if we stayed available during the time prescribed. What if I use this spare time to support my freelance work? This means that I am getting paid for freelance work that.. More

  • Salesperson exchanging item against store policy

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykhs. In answer to my question that is stated in your fatwa No. 341797: what I am asked to do is impossible for me now, as that deal happened while I was in that land, but now I am in Makkah, and I have permanently migrated from that land since the end of February. In addition, that piece of cloth.. More

  • Dividing inheritance among wife, father and mother

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please calculate the inheritance according to the following information: - Does the deceased have male relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A father) (A full paternal uncle) Number 5 (A cousin from a full paternal uncle) Number 20 - Does the deceased have female relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A mother [of the deceased]).. More

  • Parent asking to take back what he gifted to his child

    Assalaamu alaykum. My father gifted me some property five years ago and transferred it to my name. Last year, when I was getting married, he asked me to return the property. I did not want to return it, so after I got married, I sold it without asking my father. When I told him about that, he got angry and asked for the money which I got from selling.. More

  • Activity of employee governed by contract with employer

    A person works for a private company as a professioanal engineer. In return for his service, the company gives him a salary once every month. Regardless of whether he comes late or earlier, and whether he goes home late or earlier, the company gives him the same salary, unlike wages, which are counted for every hour that one is present. He does his.. More

  • Causing unintentional damage to neighbors' property

    Shaykh, today I committed what may be a very big sin! Here in my town, there are many monkeys who disturb us in many ways. Today, while I was laying in bed, a monkey suddenly started pulling my broadband wire, so I immediately went outside and threw something towards the monkey, but I missed it and it hit my neighbours electric meter. Some plastic of.. More

  • A Muslim couple wishing to leave their house to their adopted child

    Asalaamu alaykum. A muslim couple have an adopted daughter and no other children.They would like to give her their house; however, she cannot inherit Islamically. How can they ensure that she gets the house? .. More

  • Asking for gift back after many years

    A sister, in her full consciousness and with her own willingness, gave up her share of inheritance in favor of her brother. In the years following that, the brother asked his sister multiple times whether she wanted her share back, but she always insisted that she did not want it. The question is whether the share of inheritance that the sister had.. More

  • Division of inheritance among wife, 3 daughters, and 4 full siblings

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please calculate the inheritance according to the following information: - Does the deceased have male relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A full brother) Number 2 (A nephew from a full brother) Number 4 (A full paternal uncle) Number 1 - Does the deceased have female relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A daughter) Number.. More

  • Returning rotten food products to seller

    Assalamu alaykum. Imagine that someone bought some products like eggs, fruits, or any other goods, and then after going home he noticed that these products were rotten or damaged. In that case, is the seller bound to take back the goods and return the money? Notice that there was no agreement between both parties regarding taking back the goods if damaged. .. More

  • Selling house on mortgage to a non-Muslim

    Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to ask whether it is permissible to sell a home in USA to a non-Muslim buyer who will buy it with a mortgage, knowing that the name of the bank and the type of loan is written in the selling contract. My husband asked a sheikh in the masji,d and he told him that we would thus be helping and encouraging the buyer to use.. More

  • Buying land in another's name and then paying deferred price to him

    Assalaamu alaykum! Muslim "A" wanted to buy a piece of land but did not have money, so he asked Muslim "B" to buy that land with his money and then sell it to A on credit. B agreed, but because he lived in another region from A, he asked A to deal with all the documentation on his behalf and in his absence so that first the land would be documented.. More

  • Liability when partner causes loss of jointly-owned assets

    Assalaamu alaykum. Recently, one of my partners contacted me to ask for my opinion and approval to ship machinerythat we both own together from Syria. At first, I did not feel so motivated as I knew that there would be a risk of it getting either damaged or stolen on its way. However, my partner explained to me that another person, (x), has already.. More

  • Investing money given by father for a course in trade

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have been given two offers to enroll into two different professional courses, and I was not sure whether my father could afford to pay for both. So I asked him to pay for one of them and, with the help of a friend, invested that money into trading. Praise be to Allah, within two weeks, I had enough money to pay for both courses.. More

  • Accepting food and water distributed for free

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. If free food, drink, or Iftaar (meal to break the fast with), are being distributed and I have the money to buy those things myself, is it wrong to take the free things if they are not specifically for poor people? And what about Iftaar? If someone is distributing Iftaar and I am not fasting,.. More