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3194 fatwas

  • Buying from Muslim butcher who no longer sells halaal meat

    Assalaamu alaykum. If a Muslim butcher store does not sell halal meat anymore, is it still allowed to buy things like herbs from this store, or should you stay away from this store altogether? Could you also share the proof, Allah willing? May Allah reward you. .. More

  • Creditor taking money from procrastinating debtor

    Assalaamu alaykum. I lent some money to someone many years ago, but that person has not returned my money, but now I have come across some money that belongs to that person (which is less than 1/5 of the money I lent him). Can I keep that money as a return of the money which I lent him without telling him? I know that this person will never give my.. More

  • Buying from website with Cash on Delivery

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is it permissible for me to order a good on a website and pay for it after the website delivers the good to me (cash on delivery), which may take 10-15 days from the day I order, or does this fall under selling a debt for a debt (I buy something in the future and the seller sells something in future)? .. More

  • Working with partners who offer bribes to obtain contracts

    Assalaamu alaykum. Our friends have a logistics services company. They asked me to extend that company and open a consultancy with the same name. Now, when I get the license for the consultancy, they will be our partners. All the transactions will take place only on my signature, and I will be signing the contracts. They (our friends) have good relations.. More

  • Laxness in returning borrowed item to its owner

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am 19 years old and am a student. Sorry for my bad English, but I have a question about haram/halal. Once upon a time, maybe 1 year ago, we were given some course books for studiesin high school. And the books were only something which you cold borrow for a period of time, and they were not our property. The deal was to hand over.. More

  • Using orbit points on current account in interest-based bank

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am using acurrent account just to keep my money safe. I hate getting interest. I want to clarify an issue; my bank has launched a new scheme through which they give every customer some ''orbit points'' on different sort of transactions or money deposits, money deposited, using cards, doing shopping with cards, etc. according to.. More

  • Non-Muslim without heirs leaving entire estate to Muslim friend

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I had a friend who was a non-Muslim and who passed away. She left behind a will which named me the sole beneficiary to their property and money. They had no living relatives or children. I would like to know if I am permitted to accept it. .. More

  • Suspecting that gift was stolen

    Assalaamu alaykum, Scholars. I was looking to buy a bycicle to go to the masjid and seek knowledge, but I do not have that much money. Today, I entered a shop or a room that sells used bikes, and I asked about the prices. After a while, the seller spoke to me and told me that he is gifting me a bike as be thinks that I am a good person. I was amazed.. More

  • Dying before paying off debt to government

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is regarding debt. If someone owes a debt to the government and he dies before paying it all back and then the debt is written off by the government, is he still accountable on the Day of Judgment even if the rule says that it cannot be paid back by his family? Assalaamu alaykum. .. More

  • Copying material from internet for history assignment

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am a student. I have to do an assignment about a historic subject. I know that plagiarism is forbidden. Nevertheless, if I copy materials from the internet for this assignment, is this prohibited considering that history is a fact that is widely known and not an idea that requires any personal thought or input? May Allah bless you. .. More

  • Investing money in company without knowing their business module

    Assalaamu alaykum. In India, there is a company that claim that they trade in gold and giving almost 35 to 36% profit per year in return. Please note that when one asks about their business module, they say that it is confidential and refuse to provide any details. Is it permissible for anyone to invest in a company that does not give details as to.. More

  • Using unofficial software in customizing phone

    Assalaamu alaykum. I want to ask about the view in Islam regarding customizing software - unofficial software - in some devices that we own. We know that in this modern era, android smartphones are practically everywhere. This technology is free, open source, and widely available. I have a Sony Xperia smartphone, and I installed some custom android.. More

  • Using cracked software to spread Islamic knowledge

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please, I am a student of the Quran, and I always want to share the stuff that I learn in the Quran with others by using MS Word. However, because it was expensive to get Word and I am still a student with a very weak financial status, my friend gave me a cracked version which supports all that I needed to share the message. Is it.. More

  • Inheriting life insurance money

    Assalaamu alaykum. I took my Shahaadah (testimony of faith) and became a Muslim 4 years ago, praise be to Allah. To my knowledge, it is haram for Muslims to take a life insurance policy for their spouse/families. However, my question is as follows: I come from a non-Muslim family, and I am the only Muslim in the family. Praise be to Allah, I am happily.. More

  • Giving loan in return for share in profit is interest

    I have spent 60 lac to buy a plot and build my house. Now I have no money to complete my house, so for its completion, I need another 15 lac. I asked my friend for a loan, and hetold me that he will give me the loan on the condition that after selling the house, the profit will be split 50/50, meaning that I should give him half the profit. My question.. More