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5673 fatwas

  • Her husband is HIV-positive and refuses to use protection

    Assalamun alaikum, I'm from nigeria,my husband of 6 yrs is HIV+ and I'm -ve, Alhamdulillah. He has 6 children from his previous marriages and I don't have any child, yet I demanded he use protection to protect me from getting infected and he refused, I always lived in fear of getting infected and told him, which he said he will rather divorce me than.. More

  • He is in love with his maternal uncle's wife

    Salam alai kum, I am a bachelor in love with wife of my maternal uncle since his marriage 13 years back. Till recent I kept those to myself but 1 year back our relations grew closer. She got to know about my feelings etc and she too accepted me. She has been suffering since marriage as it had taken place for keeping the word of her mother. She has two.. More

  • Woman has right to rescind forced marriage

    In Fatwa No : 87853 you say that the majority of scholars permit the father to force his daughter to marry someone she does not want to marry but in Fatwa No : 162499 it is said that you follow the opinion that the girl may be given away in marriage without her consent but she has the right to rescind it. Please clarify this. Do the majority of scholars.. More

  • When a father should prevent his son and daughter from touching each other

    Is it permissible for a father to forbid his son and daughter from touching each other, out of concern that it may be a cause of fitnah .. More

  • No one has the right to prevent a married couple from having children

    Assalamualaikum, My father is 77 years old. He lost his wife 3 yrs ago. he has 10 grown up children.His children are talking care of him in everything. My father has Diabetes, heart problem, Pancreatitist and deep vein thrombosis. he wanted to remarry since my mom died. So we bring him a wife who is 47 yrs old .she has hemoglobin low and Hypothroidism... More

  • Marriage without a Wali is invalid

    Assalamu Alaykum, I am from India. We are from strict islamic family. One year ago my sister in law's daughter ran away with one man and married. Now they are living together. Our family was not ready to accept this because he was not following islamic life, was drinking and also a with criminal records. As we oppose this they married without Waliy... More

  • The meaning of 'Muhammad'

    What is the meaning of Muhammad? .. More

  • 'Javid', meaning 'eternal', is a permissible name

    My name is daniaal javid my nicknames such as a danny javid or danny i have no problems with but according to wikipedia my name javid means eternal am i sinning or is my name okay javid is my furthers first name .. More

  • Wife set condition for marriage that son would live with her

    Before marrying my husband I told him that I have my son 10 years old. and want to bring him to live with me. he accepted and said that he is going to support me. when I married him. my son arrived almost 2 years after (I managed to bring him as it was not possible before). before he comes my husband was upset and was trying to make me change my mind... More

  • A case of marriage without the guardian's knowledge

    I married a girl without her parents’ consent 4 years ago. We had a relation and I was in fear of Allah of a haraam relation, so I married her. I realize now after study that I should make her wali agree upon me. How will I do this??- 1. Will I let her wali know by her or by my wali that I have married his daughter without his consent but now I seek.. More

  • Waswaas about the validity of a triple divorce

    I hv divorced a girl three times in anger after a Nikah without wali. I hv read it somewhere that in order to justify that talaq doesn’t happen u cannot come back with a stance that the nikah was invalid. If u were of the view that nikah u have done is valid. I hv been having nightmares, waswasas, I am scared of Allah, I don’t want to do wrong.I.. More

  • Giving Muslim children names peculiar to Christians

    Salam aleikum, I am muslim male married to a christian. We are expecting our first child very soon inch Allah. My wife would like to give her last name (Alvarez) as a middle name to our child on the birth certificate. He would bear my family name as his last name. I would like to know if this way of doing is compliant to the islamic law. I know that.. More

  • Marrying a woman who proves to be still married to her first husband

    ASLAMO ALAIKUM, sir my question is.a man marry a divorce women after two years a man know this truth her first husband not gave him divorce she is liying her second this situatin he throw out her wife and stop all the relation with her.what you say about this marry.and secondly.her first husband daughter who her women real daughter is wish.. More

  • No legitimate tie of kinship between the adopted child and the foster parent

    I am a revert to Islam alhamduallah for almost 9 years. I meet and married my husband a year after I embraced Islam. Alhamduallah he is a pious Muslim, kind and faithful husband and wonderful father to our children. My husband and I are going through a very painful issue with my family. I was adopted as a toddler and for all of my life was kept from.. More

  • A husband is not entitled to force wives to share a single house

    Salam sir i have two wives. my first wife lives in her brothers' house and my second wife has left me 6 months ago due to a private problem, leaving me hurt and depressed because i truly deeply loved her & even sacrificed many things for her. i had met her at my workplace and because of my falling in love with her my wife took my sons & went.. More