What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on having intercourse with one's wife without saying the supplication, "O Allaah, Keep the devil away from us and Keep the devil away from what You Would Grant us (the baby) "?.. More
After engagement, I discovered that my fiancée swallowed a spell and that she is possessed. The Jinni loved her and tried to have sex with her. On certain days, she suffers from vomiting and pain at the lowest part of her back. She went to a Shaykh who directed her to have honey and the black cumin and advised her to frequently recite the Quran, particularly.. More
I am about to marry a beautiful twenty-four-year-old orphan woman who has no brother. She is a diabetic and lives with her sister, who provides for her. However, her brother-in-law has been harassing her, urging her to indulge in immoral activities with him. Her life has become a living hell and she can not inform her sister of that. Hence, I decided.. More
I am a student in Middle School (ninth grade) and I fear Allaah The Almighty, but there are certain things that drive me away from Him. I, along with my colleagues in class, have a problem and that is our Arabic teacher who wears indecent and immodest clothes most of the time and some other female teachers at school as well. I tried to lower my gaze,.. More
I am a 23- year-old single man and I have finished my studies. I met a 19-year-old Christian Lebanese girl via the internet. She embraced Islam thanks to Allaah The Exalted after convincing her of Islam. She is an only child to a rich family, and when her father knew of her Islam, he asked her to give it up, but she remained firmly adherent to Islam.. More
A friend of mine has a problem as her father wants to marry her off to his friend’s son who is an alcoholic with very bad morals. Her father tells her that she can reform him and make him upright, but she is very sad and depressed because of that. I can not see her like that and she asked me for a solution to her problem. What can she do?.. More
Is it permissible for a husband to take his wife to wedlock again after two times of divorce and a one time of Khul’ that was issued by the court? .. More
A girl was raped, but she did not tell anyone about that incident out of fear for her family’s reputation and a wish to keep her face and repent, seeking forgiveness from Allaah The Almighty. This girl performed Hajj and repented to Allah the Exalted. Her family forced her to get married after she had refused many suitors for fear of potential scandal... More
A girl married without the consent of her parents and after three days of her marriage, they got her divorced, promising her to marry her off to that man with a valid marriage contract, but they broke their promise. They want her to have hymnography, i.e. surgical restoration of the hymen to marry her off to another man. What is the ruling on this,.. More
What is the ruling on the marriage contract of a woman marrying herself off with her guardian’s consent; the bridegroom said: "Would you marry me?" and the bride replied: "I do," in the presence of the witnesses of course?.. More
Assalammu Allaikum, In Sri Lanka we are required to register the marriage, muslims should abide by the Muslim Marriage and divoce Registration act and the non muslims by marriage Registration act (General). In the form provided for registration the following has to sign (a) the bridegroom (b) the wali of the bride (c) 2 withnesses present at the Nikah.. More
My husband has pressured me into anal sex on more than 20 times and i gave up and allowed it .Sometimes it was forced upon me . I have threatned with divorce yet he did ut after that.i want a divorce regardless of him promising never to do it again but i have gotten threatned by my family and him that they will take my 4 kids away and Noone is supporting.. More
i have a 12 years old daughter who was abused by her 23 years old brother. a child was conceived and who is 2 months old now. their father doesnt know until now and i am planning to give the baby for adoption to my brother.i cant tell their father for fearing that he will not be able to accept it. i dont know what to do with my son. i feel he had regret.. More
Asalaamualaykum my husband have a christian eligitimate son and is eager to build a relationship with him is it wrong of me as his wife to deny him to see that child or to build a relationship .. More